Of fucking course Marvel's Predator is exactly what I feared...

Of fucking course Marvel's Predator is exactly what I feared. A totally badass dykey woman traveling around the galaxy hunting and killing evil Predators for revenge.

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The big bad is even a Predator with the same missing mandible as Dachande's. Like, it's dollar store Machiko with none of the nuance.

What happened to the Predator comc that was to be based on the original screenplay?

Evil predators is so tired at this point, can we just have the Predators being Predators and not slasher villian expies? The new movie does this too.

It's all I want.

It's what makes the Predator so unique as either a villian or protagonist. They're this 8 foot tall hunter from beyond the stars with a code of honor that makes them distinctly NOT a mindless killer.

It's the intelligence that makes them so compelling.

Quality post

Canceled because of Covid. It inexplicably wasn't actually going to use any of the official concept art designs.

I'm still fucking god damn pissed about Marvel canceling the Empyre tie in mini series for Thor & Squadron Supreme.

>Canceled because of Covid
Scratch that it was because it couldn't be released in full before Disney got the rights.

My reasons are less refined. When I was little, kindergarten or early first grade, I had these recurring dreams or nightmares where a Predator would land in the parking lot of the apartment building I lived in at the time and chase me around, told where I was by a blind old man. When the Predator would finally catch me he'd hold me up by the neck and say "Time to go home, son." And ever since then I always felt a connection to the Predator. Even was a weird kid in most of elementary school convinced I was secretly one in a human skin costume.
So it's always bummed me to see the (classic)Preds lose

I wish predator was my dad too user.

>It inexplicably wasn't actually going to use any of the official concept art designs

Wait, really? What was the point of some OC design then? Everyone wanted the Jean-Claude Van Damme insect ninja version.

Why haven't we gotten an Ennis Predator comic yet?

Because it would be shit.

Predator is a villain, they are a alien species that give zero fucks to anyone else and see them as animals, trying to make them heroic is simply ending the character premise and turning them into a generic supersoldier character but alien what is already overused by Star Wars, Warhammer40k and others, this is no different than turning Jason Vorhees into a superhero.

it's right up his alley
>extreme violence
>one badass normal guy fighting a superhuman monster (in Vietnam)

Why and how? I know Ennis is an edgy manchild who is still stuck in 1991, but this seems up his alley.

Just read Lobo or Drax comics


See this thread. You can see the official cover at the top and then a bunch of the original concept art through the thread.
