Brian griffin and adventure time are giving me existential crisis and depression for days

>Be me
>had a nightmare last week
>was a bit traumatized but got over it
>decided to watch some family guy
>stewie was asking brian what will happen after death
>brain said something along the line with 'lights out, nothing would happen'
>suddenly get reminded to the certain doom of myself and every human existing as we all slowly walking towards our demise, where we will never experience the joy of life again
>did some research
>it is true, we will just stop existing after we dies
>decided to listen to some music and drink some warm water to distract and calm down myself
>picked adventure time music(the opening and ending themes) because they are one of my favourite songs
>as the song 'come along with me' starts playing i starts to remember the good old times when i have no worries aside from missing adventure time episodes from cartoon network
>the nostalgia hits me
>knowing i will never experience the same joy again and i can't even enjoy these sweet music again when i dies my existential crisis worsens
fuck you brian griffin and music hole, now i cant even function normally in society without thinking everything i accomplished is meaningless, now fucking what?

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ew ">be me" thread

Holy fucking autism

you and your loved ones will die too, it's not even a threat, you are destined to lose your consciousness forever and just stop existing, and after a few decades no one will care about you anymore (even if you have offspring they won't care about you when it is about the fifth generation ), and your entire existence will be denied
this is the fate everyone on this hellhole will experience.

(I desperately need therapy)

yeah fuck off and go to therapy, this isn't your fucking blog

Do what the fucking ancient greeks did, lived life to your capacity, and if you really want to be a giga chad, do a Diogenes of Sinope (knowing there's nothing left) and end yourself.

I swear, people these days.

>Babys first existential crisis
you have to be 18 or older to post on Any Forums

Tbf i have had these panic attack/existential crisis for years when i am dizzy in a long bus journey while listening to adventure time songs, but this time brian griffin unironically made my depression lasts from that brief period of time before i sleep in a car ride to days

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Have you considered starting a blog?

>where we will never experience the joy of life again

Imagine thinking this is a bad thing.

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Adventure Time also gives me intense nostalgia because it reminds me of a period where all my friends watched it and we had fun discussing what would happen next.

You’ll get numb to it eventually

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I am currently trying to listen to other music that i love ,but all of em triggered some of my precious memories
>Cartoons i watched when i was a child
>Vidya i played and plays
>Anime that i watched in holidays
>Singers and bands i listened at 3am secretly because my religious family won't lemme listen to it
My life was good, is good and will be good, and i want it to last forever ......

then live a life that you enjoy, who gives a fuck if you will "be remembered"? plenty of people are remembered for awful reasons, and even people who are remembered for good things can be painted as villains in the future if the politics change

you can live a life of hedonism whilst still being moral, so just do that, live your life for fun and enjoyment and stop giving a fuck about what other people think about you except for those you are close to (because that would negatively impact your enjoyment of life)

not everyone can be a hero, or a world leader, or a conqueror, or a genius, that's just the nature of things, so trying to compare yourself to them is pointless, just try to live 'your best life' as the normies say, and the best way to do this is to stop focusing on things that make you upset which is what a lot of people on the internet (and ESPECIALLY on Any Forums and twitter) tend to do and why they are so unhappy, ignorance really is bliss, and I have found that the happiest normal people that I encounter IRL are just completely oblivious to a lot of the shit that made me upset, and it made me realize that having these things live rent-free in your head is what really causes unhappiness

it's almost a nihilistic approach to life, but where most people think nihilism is "nothing matters therefore everything sucks", it can also be seen as "nothing matters therefore I might as well do what I want to make me happy", after that it just comes down to your own empathy how far you want to push that ideology and whether you think making other people unhappy for your own gain is worth it in the long run or whether it will catch up to you and negatively impact your own happiness

Exactly. You have one life, do you really wanna waste it being a little emo bitch? It fucking sucks, but you gotta make the most out of what you have while you still have it.

People die after 3 generation. By the third it's not even really you they remember, just some old person.

Even if you are remember or written down in a history book. It's not the real you, if you did something they'll write it down. They always change some part of the story.

The longer you gone the more things will get forgotten or changed depending who ever writes it down.

Nice Tumblr post asshole. Where is dislike button so I can feel better too?

The key to immortality, is a life worth remembering- Bruce Lee

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You forgot about the fact that anyone can achieve eternal life through this nigga

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Yeah i almost forget religion exists too

>AHHHHH I'm so afraid of death!!! AHHHHH
That is what you sound like, pussy. You aren't even in a situation where you can die easily or sonething. Come on man.

I'm too much of a coward to go to Heavan.

Is Purgatory an option?

Ah yeah, I remember being 16 too. You'll get over it. Just accept that there's nothing you can do about it and move on with your life.