Let’s talk about potential Spider-Man movies post NWH. Should Peter hang out with MCU F4 after they’re introduced...

Let’s talk about potential Spider-Man movies post NWH. Should Peter hang out with MCU F4 after they’re introduced? What villains could we do? What new supporting characters/love interests should he encounter after the events of NWH? Personally I feel any attempt to bring back Ned or MJ would ruin the great ending we just had.

Also the ending suit is perhaps the best live action Spidey suit to date

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I'd love to see Morlun.

I'd love to see Morbius

When did Any Forums become Reddit-lite with newfags constantly trying to farm responses/attention?

Keep him completely solo in the first movie, visual background nods are okay. He needs a low tier movie that is about him and his new life. Use Silvermane or Hammerhead as his villain to set up a crimewar team-up with Daredevil for a later movie.

What you don't like Morlun? I like spidey no holds barred trying his best and becoming desperate. NWH had Spidey fighting harder and he did get the crap beat outta him it was a nice change of him just webbing everything.

Are they even allowed to use other marvel characters in the next Spider-Man movie? I thought with the ending of the last one they were setting up a soft reboot so Sony doesn't have to address the mcu and they can still use Holland because hes a money printer

kill him and say it was a clone all along

I really love that suit, only problem is that in the final scene I thought it was too shiny on the blue. Otherwise it's great.
If they're smart, they'll make it a standalone Spidey movie set in the MCU. We don't need constant crossovers and cameos to remind us of that. The Home trilogy already overdid it with Iron Man, Nick Fury, and Dr Strange. Just set it in New York, have Peter be struggling with university and barely making ends meet all while being Spider-Man.
I agree with and I think doing a street level movie would be absolutely the right move. So far MCU Spidey has been dealing with too many big threats, so scale it down. The villain should be someone like Hammerhead or Tombstone who hasn't had a shot at being on screen before. Hell, maybe even go for the Big Man if you want the Ditko cred
Really hoping they don't bring back not!MJ and co. That stuff is done, and I don't think anyone is particularly clamouring for Zendaya to return. Like with the villains, they should go with someone who hasn't been on film before and introduce Black Cat. She'd be a good change of pace from the standard Spidey film love interest, you can actually have her be active and involved in the plot

What about Mister Negative? We could have Tombstone and Hammerhead as secondary antagonists/enforcers. Of course we could also do Scorpion (finally) and explore this universe’s J Jonah more

>Should Peter hang out with MCU F4 after they’re introduced?
Maybe within Kang Dynasty/Secret Wars. Just be a part of that team. Peter is also will either get or already have symbiote suit by that point.
>Really hoping they don't bring back not!MJ and co.
Same. I would be fine with Betty even if they turn her into not!Gwen.
>What about Mister Negative?
Most likely candidate for the first movie, actually. Just go with game setup (I guess the comic one is similar, but I'm not really familiar with that) and have him take over F.E.A.S.T. That would it personal for Peter because May worked there.
Black Cat is the second most obvious character to be introduced because she never had a proper run in movies as of yet. Can have her as secondary antagonist who later on becomes supportive character. With other villains... Chameleon & Prowler for the second film? Like, a Spectacular-esque storyline where Dmitri tries to frame Spidey while he wears a new costume. Other variant (to me) for both movies would be:
>Spider-Slayer(s). Probably would work only as secondary villain. Just go with Alistair.
>Hammerhead. Potential main villain in second movie that could lead to Daredevil team-up against Kingpin.
>Scorpion. My current assumption that they'll merge Scorpion & Venom into one character in MCU. Basically a dark version of Scorpion costume with Venom-like face.
>Hobgoblin. Rodrerick, not Ned. Might actually be another good candidate for the first movie's main villain that just got inspired by "flying green elf".

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>Can have her as secondary antagonist who later on becomes supportive character
If they do it right it could be effective. That sort of star-crossed lovers/redemption thing usually works really well. Normies would eat that up like catnip

hopefully it's a completely skippable movie that has little to no relevance on the ret of the mcu.

mcu spidey sucks ass, like much of phase 4.

>completely skippable movie that has little to no relevance on the ret of the mcu.
so every movie since end game

>Normies would eat that up
Especially if they go with that fancast. And anons will eat it too. Not that I have anything against Sydney. I haven't watched any of her series, movies and whatnot.

>best live action
>only exists as a 3D render

i hope he actually has this suit for a decent chunk of the movie and its not ditched for some gimmicky design


>gimmicky design
Would this count as "gimmicky design"? We'll definitely get that. Besides, slight alterations in that suit between films because it gets damaged in final fight.

Thinking about it more, that's what I would probably go for in Neighborhood trilogy... I mean, come on. That's how they gonna call it:
>Spider-Man: Friendly Neighborhood — Mister Negative, Prowler (+ Black Cat).
>Spider-Man: Sinister Neighborhood — Hobgoblin, Scorpion/Venom.
>Spider-Man: Neighborhood No More — Hammerhead, Alistair Smythe/Spider-Slayer.

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He will be replaced by miles.
Villiain - black cat

>Peter depressed and down on his luck
>get symbiote
>enter Black Cat
>Peter goes wild from the increased aggression and power and the rush of banging Felicia on rooftops
>eventually he's completely out of control and almost kills SHOCKEEEEEEEER or whoever the villain is
>realizes he needs to get rid of the symbiote
>sets up Venom for the sequel

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Yes, do the story where he busts into their HQ asking to get paid. It works now because now that he has nothing he WANTS to seek out the fortune he turned down at the end of Homecoming and the way to do that is to get on a celeb super team again.

They inform him they don't pay and he realizes that just trying to regain pre-NWH status is attempting to take the easy way out and that he truly needs to be his own man.

go for Hobgoblin. Ned ditches science, goes to film school, he meets Rodrick Kingsley and the two either swap off as Hobgoblin to cover their crimes or Ned takes over when Rodrick gets killed after getting them too deep into the crime world.

so now Ned needs Peter's help but doesn't remember Peter, just Spidey, whom he thinks is after him bc he's been doin bad as Hobgoblin

>Love interests
Get MJ back but dye her hair red and she's a party girl now, she's changed and grown and her personality is closer to 616 classic MJ. Maybe do a lil Gwen as a lab assistant/tsundre/budding love interest

give him the symbiote in Secret Wars as a callback to when he got the Iron Spider in Infinity War