Finally saw See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey episode of The Powerpuff Girls. Didn't know about it until today...

Finally saw See Me, Feel Me, Gnomey episode of The Powerpuff Girls. Didn't know about it until today. I thought it was pretty awesome, especially Freedom Beef. I wonder if it was banned because of the flashing seizure lights throughout the episode, though the wiki says:
>The episode was pulled and banned in the United States from its timeslot on February 27, 2004 because Cartoon Network claimed that the metal beams in the destroyed buildings looked too much like crosses and that one of the hippies looked like Jesus;
Which seems weird to me, maybe that was just one reason they gave and other factors played a part in the decision.

Overall, it was a cool and weird episode. The combination of it being so different from a normal episode and the banning made it feel more special, like something from a made-up lost episode story. I had also just watched the Clone High episode with Jack Black singing, so it was an odd coincidence watching another musical episode with a Jack Black sounding character. Thought it was him at first, and apparently they wanted Jack Black for the part but couldn't actually get him.

Attached: Freedom_Beef.png (405x304, 184.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is the second thread made in 2 days. Wow.

Conflict is not resolved, slavery not addressed, writing is not good. OP, go eat penises.


The City of Townsville deserved to get enslaved by a boring benevolent dictator like Gnomey.

The other city full of horrible people deserved to get brutally mauled by Him, Mojo Jojo, monster island, etc. and for the girls to give 0 shits about them.

Tweet Craig and ask why it didn't air. He's been answering a lot of Ppg questions recently.

I remember hearing somewhere that the episode was banned for the anti-communist message which I thought was weird because the USA Mr capitalism himself was the only country to do this ban. Laughs in Canadian.

I loved this episode it was so big and powerful. The theatrics and messaging and imagery felt like an amazing movie compacted into one episode of a usually normal show. Very tripping.

Theres a lot of things in the episode that could have contributed to it getting banned. Gnomeys number with the latin chanting, creepy background faces and like a solid minute of him showing off his muscles is enough to upset a lot of parents.

Wow, you really hate your country

Kikes hate the cross.

>OP, go eat penises
But you're the one being gay

Attached: boy.png (131x118, 28.03K)

I saw the first one and it made me watch the episode. Wanted to see people discuss the episode more instead of just politics.

He was the source of the wiki's answer actually
>The rock opera was never supposed to be a series finale, just an end of the season episode. They banned it because they claimed that the metal beams in the destroyed buildings looked too much like crosses and one of the hippies looked like Jesus. That was never our intention at all, we were really surprised that they banned it.
So I guess that's what they told Craig, but I think it's possible other things like mentioned contributed to the decision as well.

Attached: craig tweet.png (591x390, 38.17K)

I hate musicals.

i remember seeing it on tv but hating it because the dubbed versions of the songs sucked and a lot of the theming was lost on me.

I like them, but it was sometimes hard to understand the plot in this episode thanks to the singing. Like when the PPG get their powers back, I didn't understand why until I rewatched that part and listened closer to the lyrics. They sing it quickly and Prof. Utonium is singing at the same time, making it even harder to hear.

It's a pretty unusual and freaky episode, in the wrong way. Just feels like a nightmare of an episode you'd have.

The 4th of July was like last month.

Where is this from?

This is one of the most divisive episodes ever, you either think it's a masterpiece or a piece of shit

Yeah, that's partially what made it cool to me. Feels like a fever dream. Almost like a creepypasta, especially with the latin chanting and creepy faces thrown in.

The point of the episode was to reject jingoism and be critical of those in high places making big promises. The problem was it was only a year after Gulf War 2: Daddy Issues boogaloo, and the public was still riding the post-9/11 rage wave.

Freedom feef

>Conflict is not resolved, slavery not addressed, writing is not good
Song are catchy though.