Diary of a Wimpy Kid

How did it become so popular when Greg, the main character, is such a FUCKING cunt?

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It's popular because Greg is such cunt, and he suffers for it too, it's schadenfreude comedy

Because people like cunts

god i wish shadman came back and did actual porn

He needs to be on trial like chris chan

I unironically found him relatable

Because real life kids are assholes to each other. Kinda sick of this whole kids percieved as "innocent" schtick.

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The fuck is this?

Is his website down? I tried checking for the first time in a while because I wanted to see more pics of gregs mom but his website wont load.

Have you tried offering the website meth?

>Kinda sick of this whole kids percieved as "innocent" schtick
Die pedokike.

It's funny because Greg is such a half clever sociopath. He's intelligent enough to scheme but is always foolish enough that it inevitably lands on his face. It's like more grounded EEnE.
Kids are monsters. That's honestly one of the best reasons why you shouldn't put your penis in them.

it was the closest thing delinquent kids had available in the school library to being an equivalent to a printed TV cartoon
Stuff like this and Captain Underpants are popular because they’re tolerable distractions for kids who otherwise don’t enjoy reading

yeah try other websites

>Immediately thinks of sex when hearing the word "innocent".
Kill yourself groomer troomer

Kids are cruel, user.

My friends were saying "faggot" and "whore" before we were even 10 years old. A handful of us even started saying "nigger."

Kids aren't innocent.

And I love minors


Perish the thought.

>tfw remembering teachers seething as we sang the dirty lyrics to all the Yuletide songs