Ralph Breaks the Internet

>One man's opinion makes an entire movie's reputation go down the toilet.
Ignoring Schaff. Was it really that bad?

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What reputation?

It was so bad that Disney didn't bother paying for the Oscar's. It was funny that they forgot to refund their payment on the advertisement, though.

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I love how sad Ralph looks despite them ‘winning’

Hmm, what's with all those threads defending Disney flops?

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It looks like it had no reason to exist other than to whore out all the different brands Disney has bought. Also "INTERNET!" shit is cringe especially when all of it looks like it was written by middle-aged Facebook moms.

Thor the Dark World apologists in a nutshell.

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Did you actually watch that shit?

Yeah. It seemed alright.

Really no one cares what some youtuber things, this movie is just bad.
Mind you, several youtubers agree to that, not just Schaff.

>Ignoring Schaff
I've never even heard that name before.

>corporate brainwashing but... for kids!
evil movie

I liked the part where the screaming goat from 2011 appeared

It was a bungled opportunity, and that's without bringing up how a Wreck-it Ralph sequel should've stuck to being about video games.

Disney put in all the work to make their own giant version of the internet, but made the plot too character-centric for that kind of scope. Think of Ralph and Vanellope as a friend duo stuck in a nowhere hick town all their lives who suddenly have to go to the big city - the plot that follows fits what we got way more. But the Internet is too big for that kind of plot, and so the movie's stretched between focusing on either Ralph's insecurities or internet references.

Most people parroting Schaff put way too much focus on "going Turbo" as if the act itself was the problem and not Turbo's single-minded selfishness when he did it. If they show Vanellope struggling with discontent and boredom, then of course she's going to want to leave once she sees the internet - there was no way for her to get what she wanted as long as she was stuck in the arcade. This character development was never the problem, but it was used more like a tool to trigger Ralph's own plot.

Speaking of which, Ralph's plot is weak primarily because there's nothing he wants from the internet. Despite that anyone here can imagine a hundred different plot hooks for him in the internet, Disney chose to use none of them - the whole journey would've just been a long-winded pick up at the store. He doesn't care about it until it threatens to take Van from him.

And none of this was really necessary. People will gladly hand you Wreck-it Ralph sequel ideas that don't need the entire internet, or only the parts where online connections are involved. They'll remember that Felix and Calhoun and all the other arcade cameos still exist. Disney was selling this movie as if the escalation to the internet was the next big step, but it was really just an expensive spectacle tacked onto an otherwise-mid story.

>instead of a videogame character trying to be relevant in the internet or trying to understand online game communities we get some stupid shit just to fix penelope's arcade
It was shit from the start

Slaughter Race was a peek at what the setting of a gritty realistic animation would look like from Disney, and we'll never get anything like it ever again.

This is now a Spider-Man thread (if you know, you know)

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yes. Not everybody is a tertiary piece of shit like you who first read a "famous" eceleb review before making its opinion. High chances that you still haven't watched the movie yourself, and you will continue posting ecelebs names, rotten tomato screencaps and potentially some discord gems as well

The first movie made no sense to begin with, nobody complained about a literal who replacing the main character in Sugar Rush? All could have been solved with a simple cabinet reboot

Yeah. Retroactively makes the first shit, too.