post your cartoon pitch / idea / premise for something you want to see etc.

a few years ago we all laughed at the zoomers posting their pitches on twitter but do any Any Forumsmrades have something better?

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why? so you can steal my amazing idea? get fucked

insecure do not apply, move along

weight gain and inflation porn

A story set in a post-apocalyptic fallout-like future with non-human characters. It would focus on the crew of a battleship-train that protects their city from a crazy death-cult army.

Not this bettercartoon bs again...

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I feel like it would be nearly impossible to get this picked up because of no human characters

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>amazing idea
ideas don't really matter much, the execution of an idea is what matters.

I know, to bad few people today can't appreciate anything that doesn't reflect their appearance.

Incorrect, great ideas with botched execution can still see success about on par as meh ideas with great execution, but the most popular and successful things are usually both great ideas and executed well.

Boy, I've got to say... a sport cartoon about lesbians playing ping pong just sounds awful.

It doesn't matter, not a single hack in this incestuous rape baby of an industry could do it justice even if it was picked up. This goes for pretty much any pitch.

A cartoon about a comics fangirl who acquires the powers of her favorite superheroes by cosplaying as them.
Said superheroes get butthurt about this because this girl poses a threat to their jobs (and more importantly, their merchandise sales), so they hire a superpowered lawyer to destroy her with a nuclear cease-and-desist order.

After generations of Magical Girls, the child of the previous Magical Girl is a boy.
Despite his gender, the ancestral wand bonds to the guy.
After struggling with getting the wand to create an outfit i.e montage of crossdressing in different outfits, he finally settled on a pink jacket with a heart patch on the back, with his name on it Johnny Love.
Ready to defeat the standard Magical Girl villains, Johnny must balance his masculinity while honoring his Magical Girl bloodline.

so... dune but magical girls?

Dunno, never seen Dune. Now that I write it down it sounds like Star Vs mixed with She-zow.

the premise of dune is that there's like a bloodline of mind control mage gods who are only women achieved through millennia of space eugenics and having the next inheritor of that power be a man is too dangerous because of a prophecy or something and one of them has a boy and decides to raise him anyway and he basically commits space genocide of ungodly proportions with it.
It's pretty good.

Uncreative imitators & sequels with high production value are the big moneymaker in every medium. Cryptic genius art pieces never come close to them.

Basically MHA but good