Why did Antonucci ruin Ed?

Why did Antonucci ruin Ed?

Attached: Ed.png (969x429, 580.1K)

>says he doesn't say gravy all the time
>also didn't say he wouldn't tape gravy to his body
Nothing was ruined you just hate gravy

Cope, he got flanderized.

When show started taking place in school and named thentown peach creek, it started going to shit.
First few seasons was better

Ed was already taking a bath full of gravy in early seasons.

Attached: gravy_tub.jpg (250x188, 8.04K)

Because its really hard to write clever shit after 5 seasons nigga

Ed wasnt ruined, OP is bullshittin.

>Awaken, My Masters

Attached: 1655786234000.jpg (1107x480, 192.27K)

They all got flanderized. Double D was starting to hate Eddy and tried his best to be an annoying foil to him. Ed went from "okay so he's not so bright" to "wow this guy is an absolute fucking retard" in the span of 2 seasons. Eddy became more aggressive towards his friends and treats them like shit. Their whole group dynamic became so dysfunctional that it ruined the flow of everything.

Stupidity sells

>Double D was starting to hate Eddy and tried his best to be an annoying foil to him.
Double D has always been a moralfaggot.

>Ed went from "okay so he's not so bright" to "wow this guy is an absolute fucking retard" in the span of 2 seasons.
What did you mean by this? Like he cant be intelligible anymore? Because thats not true.

>Eddy became more aggressive towards his friends and treats them like shit.
But he has done worse in the older season and besides he always gets his comeuppance.

He was always funny.

This was that very same episode actually.

No he got gravy taped to his chest

the bathtub gravy was from season 2

Did we even watch the same show?

No, he means it's literally from the first part of OP's pic. The Eds switch places, Double D pretends to be Ed and Sarah throws him into his bath full of gravy

He was already ruined in S2
S1 Ed was a god

One of my accounts name is 88FingersEdward.


Ed "changed" because it led to funnier jokes.

>Double D has always been a moralfaggot.
Just say you didn't watch S1