Any Forums spent the entire week hyping up and/or sperging out about Discovery's DCEU bloodbath

>Any Forums spent the entire week hyping up and/or sperging out about Discovery's DCEU bloodbath
>Literally only cancelled Batgirl and (maybe) Supergirl

This is the last time I listen to you cunts.

Attached: World's Finest.png (720x701, 564.19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Both are cancelled thank goodness.

Hopefully that GL show gets canned, too. Nobody needs faggot, glowie Alan Scott.

Attached: mfw june rolls around once again.png (1096x1317, 80.83K)

>>Any Forums spent the entire week hyping up and/or sperging out about Discovery's DCEU bloodbath
To be fair, youtubers did most of the hyping. Any Forums just parrots.

Scooby Holiday Special was also cancelled.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that two cancelled projects in one week, one of which was an already finished $90 million movie, isn’t a lot?

why should we care about Any Forums?

That's the stuff we know of. Likely everything else is cancelled as well. Makes sense more sense now how apathetic they seem about Shazam. Even if they start planning now, the DCEU would have to scurry to get projects together for any sort of reboot that goes in a different direction from the one the last guy was leading if they're cancelling Batgirl and Supergirl.

The Flash is still coming out, and it's still supposed to soft reboot the DCEU. It's way too expensive for them to cancel, even with Ezra Miller's retardation.

Yes but the cancelation of Supergirl tells me the movie is gonna be reworked/changed so that she isnt't revealed to be this universe's Kryptonian.
And Keaton won't be the main universe Batman, he will just appear as a one-off.

And? Did that stop future movies from being cancelled? No it didn't. They don't even have a real plan, they speak like they need one and and are still looking for a team to actually do this. Whatever fantasy DCfags have right now about this amazing reboot, it doesn't even really exist yet, just a lot of of tape to keep it barely together in the mean time.

The Keaton thing is true and with Affleck replacing him in Aquaman 2 there's a hint that maybe Ben changed his mind about giving up the role. They're fucked if they announce Supergirl's cancelation though because Cavill has moved on and couldn't come back even if he wanted to, since he's going to be busy with The Witcher for the foreseeable future. They'll be left with no Kryptonian heroes.

That I agree with. The new guy talked a big game about having a plan but didn't actually announce or even hint any new projects.

They also cancelled that Mao Mao crap, the people behind that show was sperging on Twitter the other day

a lot of the animated stuff will be cancelled oe scaled back.

Attached: MaoMao Rant.png (720x862, 228.99K)

Seems like they will leave Superman's return open, and maybe announce their new casting of Superman next year after the movie?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I don't give a shit about anything involving these movies, but I have to say that Supergirl actress looks fucking hot in that costume.

They're not going announce all their cancellations at once you retard.

She looks like ET.

I would still put my dick in her mouth.

Any Forums thought that DC was going to be sold off or shut down. Even though the IPs makes billions of dollars a year in merchandise alone.

What else do you think they're gonna cancel?

The situation with Ezra Miller will get worse, and at some point Zaslov will pull the plug on that shitheap since he's committed to theatrically releasing movies.

Reminder that Kevin Spacey's last theatrical film made like 600 dollars opening weekend after he got MeTooed.


Attached: cancelled.jpg (685x726, 134.12K)

He just confirmed it's coming out and that he's excited for it:

That seems to be likely. Use the ending of the Flash as an excuse to have a completely different Superman pop up sometime.

I would like that actually. It could build hype for the casting
>Flash comes out in June 2023
>a few months later they announced the new white male Superman
would be kino