First impressions?

First impressions?

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This is gonna bomb harder than milo murphy

I fixed Gretel's design

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Again, the soul dies everytime Gretel is on-screen

why does she look like a retard?

Better but fix her neck, she looks like human spongebob

Apparently it had higher test audience scores since P&F’s debut.
And at least it’s premiering on a channel people have access to.


why does Any Forums does this?

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she could binge on mexican food

This is SO much better

this is a better artstyle

She doesn't look like a burrito anymore

She looks like a fucking downie trying to cosplay as a knockoff super hero. Absolutely disgusting.

I just want to fuck the onion lady. When do we get to see her?

Every "Main character" in this show looks like a backround character from phineas and ferb. There is nothing special or unique about them, no unique shapes or colors.

looks like autism to me.

Isn't Gretel based off Dan Povenmire's daughter?

why cartoon girls often lack necks?

Attached: Liberate la volpe! St 1 Ep 17 - Nefertina sul Nilo 1-54 screenshot.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

They have ADHD.

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So basically the, "I'm a shitty parent that doesn't know how to discipline my children" starter pack disease.

I know some artists who would've loved for this to be her design.

Attached: anakin look.jpg (800x799, 64.53K)

There's something bizarre and off-putting about giving cartoon characters mental illnesses and they are cartoons geared towards children. It's like the most human attribute and they give it to a silly drawing of all things.


Attached: BOY, GIRL, ETC. - Un Fromage dans l'espace - Épisode COMPLET 5-55 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

>disgusting namefag already obsesses over the show

that explains her pale skin

>This inspiration was due Povenmire realizing he had ADHD when his two children were diagnosed with ADHD as well.
...that's not how it works