Where would the Saiyans rank in DC?

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Same as kryptonians basically

Where is the original art from?

>fucking Raditz
I like Raditz, but that pic is hilarious.

Lower tier. They'd just be used as random filler villains for newbie writers to use to show off their new and cool villains.

That is if DC wrote the idea of Saiyans

A base Saiyan is stronger than a base Kryptonian, but far less endurable. I think WW, Superman, and Supergirl could take on Raditz and Nappa. Super Saiyans would be far too endurable and strong for base DC, but DC mages and reality benders would likely still kick their ass. Nothing could beat a reality warper like Myxy, especially since Saiyans aren't very clever.

Literally the same as kryptonians


is it just one user spamming Saiyans vs. Superman threads today or is there like a Discord raid going on


They'd be the henchmen of someone actually cool like Lobo. And he would probably kill them himself to make a point.

Why would Lobo want henchmen? As far as I know he never had henchmen in the comics

Just picked a random strong guy out of my ass. Maybe he strapped his motorcycle to a space RV and is selling space meth.

Low cosmic stuff, Saiyans are powerful because of their ability to adapt and evolve, your average sayian would be easily dispatched but if one were to train with other heroes or on locations like Themiscara or Apocalypse they could become insanely dangerous.

Those kinda pics always make me kek

How do they fare against someone like Mongul?

Most are city level if that. They lose to plas regardless.

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They're casual world-enders, so it would be difficult to write them in without them wanting to conquer Earth.

But I can see Kryptonians fighting them off in a one-to-one.

Clark, Jon, Kara and Zod...maybe Wonder Woman if aided?

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Supreman son latest issue. It was a dream world where some new villian kill everyone using Joker toxicin as a distraction. Its probably the stupidest thing I read, Honestly I wonder if Jon Taylor ever read a comic.

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They're Daxamites but weaker, and their race got BTFO by a sub-star alien man with a girly voice. The number of saiyans above LOL NO tier can be counted on two hands, and they're all nothing named lanterns can't deal with.

Given that they're retarded and a glorified slave race used to taking orders but are good at brute intimidation, Sinestro probably recruits a few.

Blowing up a planet takes all of a Lantern's powers, Hal literally had to sacrifice himself to destroy a planet, remember? And Hal is one of the most powerful Lanterns.

Kryptonian/Daxamite tier is fair for Saiyans, anything above is wank and everything less is downplay.

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99.99% of the saiyan race can't destroy a planet. Only Goku, Vegeta, Vegeta.sr, Bardock, and Broly can destroy a planet.

>her bracelets don't have holes in them
Literally the one thing everyone knows about Diana.

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Around the same level as Kryptonians/Daxamites, but over time they'd be shilled less to the point where they'd be turned into practical fodder for whatever new villain there is.