Narratively is Lex Luthor in the right...

Narratively is Lex Luthor in the right? Superman waste his power on none issues and allow the world to suffer to play god.

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>Narratively is Lex Luthor in the right?
>Superman waste his power on none issues and allow the world to suffer to play god.
lex is the one wasting his talents
if he wanted, he could have saved the world ages ago
lex is the one playing god, he is the one who sees himself so far above the regular people that he believes nothing applies to him

>Superman waste his power on none issues

It seem like everytime Lex try to be good Superman just attack him. I'm not sure if the narrative want you to root for Superman.

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Superman spends most of his time with supervillain

Superman is the villain of every story where he doesn't declare himself God of the Earth. Not to dethrone "tyrants," other than there being no need for "tyrants" with Superman around.
No, Superman is simply the most powerful being on Earth and he needs to act like it.

Next time darkseid, doomsday, o some other fucker come to destroy the earth call your pal luthor

>Narratively is Lex Luthor in the right? Supe-
weaker than goku

The only way in which superman could solve socioeconomic problems with his power is killing all the corrupt people behind socioeconomic injustices. And luthor would be among them. Even if he donated his body to science the army probably will use him to create super soldiers rather than to cure diseases.

Lex's ego won't allow him to see that he's the very problem he wants Superman to take care of.
Most crimes, even in Comic Books are not of passion but necessity or vengeance against a wrongdoing. Remove economic disparity and the former vanishes while the latter decreases as a domino effect.

not canon

If Clark wanted to maximize the good he could do with his gifts he'd just set up a generator somewhere based on his powers and just do that 24/7. So in a way, arguably Lex has a point.

But Lex could fucking cure cancer for a laugh. If anyone is wasting their talents it's Lex.


lex diesnt care about doing good he cares about his image as looking like the savior of metropolis and mankind. He has stated as much many times, he wants people to know it was him not that he actually cares about doing good.

He cured his sister cancer but he's related to Superman and he really hate Superman.

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Doing more casual things like saving a cat from a tree are what let Superman relax. Sure, he could theoretically accomplish more if he was taking on huge threats 24/7, but doing that would make you go insane. Superman knows that in order to help others he needs to stay healthy.

that's the face of a cat that did not want to be saved

Holy rent free

But then if Superman did solve all of the world's problems then he's just holding humanity back and keeping humanity from achieving its full potential, just like Lex also bitches about. Nothing Superman can do - not even fucking off into space and living on some asteroid in deep space far away from Earth - is correct according to Luthor.

If Lex wanted, he could use his genius to solve world problems in the span of a year. He doesn't because he instead uses those gifts to destroy Superman. Lex Luthor is what happens when men with gifts like his get a taste of the dark. Ultra-Humanite is what happens when you waste those talents.

Yep, this. I bet Lex could come up with a cure for cancer if he wasn't so busy building super armors to fight Superman.