Can you hear us now?

Can you hear us now?

Attached: Can you hear us now.jpg (1800x1307, 630.97K)


>before it - will of the people, elections won't be stolen
>after it - deep state fake attack to cover up stolen elections

Everything Ben has ever drawn makes me more sympathetic to the opposite of whatever he's publicly supporting this week.

I am not a Trump supporter but I get this feeling that Trump is going to win the 2024 elections.

>before it - ACAB!
>after it - Arrest these terrorists, officer!

>after it - "Whaddya mean, I can't steal shit from the Capitol?"

>n-no u...

Trash ruined country.
Still in a "pandemic" while the rest of the world is out partying because it's summer.

Attached: pence.gif (560x315, 3.21M)

>Still in a "pandemic" while the rest of the world is out partying because it's summer.
Come back and lets see who's happy about that when winter kicks in.
Everyone within close quarters during the summer and like last winter a rapid increase in transmission and infection.
Laugh now, cry later type shit.

people are outside you retarded basement dweller

>Still in a "pandemic"
Pretty sure that it is faggot pox pandemic (and all they would have had to do to avoid this was to not have fifty man gay urine orgies every other day) now, not china flu pandemic.

>the Election is rigged because people said things on the Internet
>This completely unsecure new ballot system is the most secure in all of history

You do know that Women and Kids have come down with this too correct?
It isn't a "gay virus" its just a virus lol.

>>after it - deep state fake attack to cover up stolen elections
Just like Hitler being a jewish agent to get europeans killed and jews victimized as the good guys.
I get the feeling he's going to suck dick like his supporters and this entire generation.

We're so pathetic we'd blame it on the opponent sabotaging us to look bad than admit our lolcows are genuine retards who are too pathetic to stand up for themselves and do a good job at beating everyone.
9/11 wasn't fake, it was just pissed off muslims. Americans take whatever they want and it's a "miracle" they're not openly nuking the middle east instead of their pissant "air strikes and raids". "Sssoo why are they so obsessed with hiding themselves?" mentally retarded Americans. Russia openly assassinates people and does not shy away from saying "done by Russia"

Indeed Trump isn't being controlled otherwise he wouldn't have yelled like an idiot "The election was stolen"
aaand if the SJWs weren't such mental retards they would have found a much subtler way to cheat at the election. (noooo nooo they did it on purpose to demoralize us, confuse us, etc.)
No, they're genuine mental retards who just couldn't find a better way to "legally & technically" steal the election. The demoralization and confusion was a side effect, oh but the gloating and victimizing was 100% on purpose by the SJWs.

How about you gen-Xers and fellow millennials beat the living shit out of your millennials and zoomer SJWs instead of allowing to roam free?
I've seen my generation of millenials; nothing but bullies and pussies. But the bullies are genuine disgusting sociopaths who'd wear the sheep's clothing and cry baaahh. They stole the hippies roles, that's how scum they are. Trust I have never in my life seen such a generation of sociopathic cunts as what came out of millennials and I'm not from California where it's jew central. This new form of jews are the most autistic bastards I've seen in my life.

Retards still think the election was rigged?

You typed a whole lot but said a lot of nothing.
I, again, am not a Trump supporter. so I don't care too much about the political opinions and views on muslims and 9/11. that means nothing to what I said. in 2024 I see Trump winning again and it's going to blow a lot of people minds lol.

>Before it - Criminal scum doesn’t deserve to be treated humanely. Let them freeze to death when electricity goes out during mid-winter for several, I DO NOT CARE. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime! It’s that simple.
>After it - The criminal justice system is so mean! All we did was break several laws and now I’m in jail, locked up for 23 hours of the day in a small dark cell, the food is so bad if not rotten that I wouldn’t feed it to a dog, and the guards are physically abusive! How can you treat people like this???!

It was but that also applies to every election ever organized.

>the pandemic's over guys, covid went away
The real problem is no border control. Internal lockdowns do nothing if people can just walk off a plane.

So was Trump found guilty of inciting a riot?

Unironically a good thing.