
Do you think they are happy with thier lives, all things considered I mean?

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I doubt anyone besides Zach and maybe Chris is happy as of now.

Cory seems happy, and Mick.

Why do you say that?

Aren't Corey and Mick still getting work at least?

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I thought everyone besides Stamper was doing decent to great

The only three I can think of that have seen their lives worsened since then have been Stamper, Shadman, and maybe Niall. Chris and Zach broke into the industry, Corey has a successful Ska band and still does his animation thing, Mick has gotten legit voice acting roles as well as worked on his own stuff, and Jeff has remained virtually unchanged and still works on his Newgrounds stuff.

I feel sorry for Niall, I hope he figures out what he wants to do with his life.

Corey and Oney and Zach and Lyle and Tomas, yeah

They're all in better places now except for Niall and Stamper. We all now how Stamper is these days but Niall seems to have just vanished.

You think Niall has a steady job at least?

I'd hate for him to be 31 years old and still not have his life in order. I feel sorry for him for some reason.

OH yeah, Lyle finally hit his stride on YT as well.

OH yeah, I geuss that all makes a lot of sense.

Did Niall ever do anything? All I know is that he quit med school to do whatever the hell he did at Sleepycabin.

He was kinda doing stuff with other people and at least used to be one of the main editors for OneyPlays (the trifecta that was Lyle, Kyle and Niall) but beside that and him trying some stuff to Sleepycast he's not done anything huge. He's still a funny guy tho.

He used to do a lot better when he was doing Machinima shit and YT/Twitch wasn't so retarded, since now he has more of a filter and can't be as vulgar as he used to be. But he's still doing funny shit with Destructoid and making stuff he was already doing on there. Hope he makes more Spoilers Ahead tho.

Niall went back to Wexford and just lives there now I guess. At least he's not struggling with addiction as far as I know.

Cory and Mick are both employed by NewGrounds still, and Jeff's running things with Tom. Cory and Jeff and a few others are making Nightmare Cops and Mick's doing all kinds of shit since he's able to land industry gigs.

Oh sweet, I'm glad everybody has something going at least.

They're all friends too so it's pretty easy for them to work together on each other's projects.

Cory has his ska band and does oney plays occasionally. Always a treat to hear that spurg go on about sonic the hedgehog. Love ya cory.
Zach got his show
Oney is fucked physically so I don't know how much success will counter it.
Don't care much for the others though. Stamper is nuts though.

>Oney is fucked physically
It's weird how you kinda forget about it when you're watching the let's play, but it's sad that he's got a fucked-up back.