/wgc/ - Webcomic General Chat

/wgc/ - Webcomic General Chat Thread #1

Post your webcomics! Threads will be made every Friday!

Thread question: Where do you find your biggest source of inspiration coming from?

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Hello folks. I have recently completed (with the help of wonderful collaborators) A 14 page comic.

What is the best way to release this to see the widest audience?

I was thinking about an online webcomic site and then if it does well on patreon doing a small print edition. Some concerns I have

1. Most webcomics update by the page. Should I release the pages one at a time? And if so, at what schedule? Also unlike most other webcomics, after the 14th page it would end and I wouldn't have more material ready for quite some time.
2. The comic is optimized for digital in that the splash panels would look really odd printed out because the gutter would mess with the art

>What is the best way to release this to see the widest audience?
People will say Webtoon and Tapas but those sites rely on pages being thin and vertically-oriented for phone-scrolling, so unless you're chopping up your pages and shrinking panels to fit within the template, you may be better taking your material elsewhere like Comicfury or setting up a Tumblr/Wordpress/other free account

I just wanted to see if I'm able to create main character who is an asshole. Someone you would love to hate

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You mean someone you actually want the audience to hate, right? Not a loveable asshole kind of deal?
If I wanted to do that I'd make him win undeservedly, fill him with self pity, and no sense of the world or people outside of his own mind. The kind of person who sees themselves as the main character of the world ( even if ironically, he actually is in this case)

I am indifferent at worst to a villain that does cartoonish villain things. That's just not how comedic villains work, my dude.

I was thinking of basically using the Olgaf format (dont think i can link because its nsfw but here is ksbd which is similar)


The idea is a sci fi anthology in the vein of old 60s comics or stuff like Love Death Robots. Each month to so a new 14-20 page story.

Comicfury is great since you have complete freedom to post as much embarrassing fetish porn as you want

Also, it's fully customizable in terms of html/css and completely free.

The downside is it's not super visible. The only people who are going to find it on comicfury are other comicfury weirdos and if you're not doing an embarrassing fetish porn comic you're going to struggle to find subscribers there.

Here's my comic about arranged marriages in ancient Irish society.



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I have no experience with this but don’t a lot of people post their comics mainly on Twitter and then rely on donations and product sales? How well does that do for them

>How well does that do for them

Here's my entry for the webtoon action contest.
Selling art commissions also works too

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This is just a helpful suggestion, but if you ever wanna sell printed editions of your comic you're gonna have to use the official icons for the social media tags. They're weird about hand-drawn logos.



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Hahaha fucking loser

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Seething Figger.