Any Forums What do YOU think of DUCKMAN?

Any Forums What do YOU think of DUCKMAN?

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A high point of 1990s animation, Tim Curry is especially great as King Chicken.

It's excellent. I'd put it on par with Fawlty Towers and Larry Sanders.

I relate.

I liked it.

A very excellent cartoon. The animation and art style are outstanding. It was edgy but with actual depth. The commentary was on point and it really made you think.

Are there any other shows like this that co can recommend? Any kind of adult show that makes you think.

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If you step on his glasses, would he be blind or would his vision scatter across the floor like a fly?

2nd best cartoon


I was too young to appreciate it at the time. I just remember my older brother watching it and not really understanding what was going on.

Sad that this is the only time I think an Adult Animation has done edgy humor which didn't get boring.

duck thighs

This may sound cliche at this point, but sorta Moral Orel? Besides a few terrible episodes, is pretty great edgy satire, but it's not really like Duckman. Can't think of anything that really matches Duckman's pefect mix of things. Orel gets a little too edgy at points.

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Are fart jokes edgy to this thread bc the show had too many of those

Are the glasses his eyes or
I mean he clearly has no eyes on his face

just animated married with children written by bitchy Hollywood types desperately trying to sound relatable.

They're literally his eyes.
Duckman was a good mix of satire, high-concept, low-brow with gags aplenty.

Aside from the occasional bland (and sometimes literal) joke of
>democrat good
>republican/right wing bad
>God dumb
posed as "pushing the envelope" I'd give it an 8.5/10. The great episodes are a 9 and the worst are usually a 5 or 6.

Funny show that oozes 90s charm in its art direction. Great voice cast too, it's too bad that Duckman's voice hurt Jason Alexander so much though.
Was also sad to hear about Everett Peck's passing

Yeah, I know what you mean. I love Orel but it does cross the line a few times. Bojack is also good but no other show is quite like Duck Man. It really only has one bad episode and it's the Star trek episode. It doubly sucks cause it's right before the cock tease of an ending. it could have been the second part of the cliffhanger. I know they only made it a cliffhanger because they wanted to tease the exects into giving them another season but it still hurts. I wonder if that strategy ever worked. Like has any other show got a whole new season just by ending a season with a cliffhanger?

Decent animation but way to whiney and self-centered. Nobody wants to hear a 3-minute rant about how women won't fuck a fat bald Jew pretending to be a duck.

I never really considered the Grama's farts to be jokes. I guess they technically are. I always just took it in an absurd way for an absurd character to communicate.

Did you watch the actual show? Cause it is pretty edgy, especially for the time. There literally a joke where Duck Man said he was on his way to watch underaged strippers, and it was a throwaway line filled with clever wordplay. There is an episode where his kids try to commit suicide instead of spending time with their dad. Yet another throwaway gag. Every episode he brutally murders SJW teddy bears that lecture him about liberal bullshit. Duck man saved the president by mistake after molesting women on the street. Duck men went onto live television and talked about how women don't have it tough, and men have it worse and all the uppity chicks just need to get laid.

There is an episode where he thinks his son might be gay, and immediately abandons him before he realizes it was a misunderstanding and his son was straight the whole time. And he was willing to leave him and never see him again because he was worried if people knew his son was gay that people would think he (duck man) was gay.

In conclusion, the show was very edgy and there are several more examples I could show you.

I do! I loved his rants and wished he did more of them.