What’s the consensus on the SLIPPIN JIMMY cartoon?

What’s the consensus on the SLIPPIN JIMMY cartoon?


Seems like a great to see a way to get kids into Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad

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Hahaha this looks hilarious I will show it to my child


It doesn't know who it's being made for

Based jimbo

Jimmy Macdougal > Jimmy McGill

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>You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That cartoon! Are you telling me that a show with no logical reason to exist just happens to be created like that? No! He orchestrated it! Vince! He defecated through a fanbase! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own headcanon! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since season 1, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the retcon drawer! But not our Vince! Couldn't be precious Vince! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a creator!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!

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Based Chuckposting

Having unfortunately watched some of it I have to agree with this show has such weird pacing for jokes and since this takes place in the Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul universe it was already doomed to fail.
This just feels like something Saul would produce to launder his money and further his brand.

Still can't process it as anything other than a joke

It's one of the cartoons ever made.

>This just feels like something Saul would produce to launder his money and further his brand.
That would be a god-tier twist ending to this series.

Literally, everyone thinks it's retarded and it's a mystery how it got greenlit in the first place. Like who the fuck is even the target demo? Adults, that are fans of the source material want a spin-off where everyone is a child and the only connection to the source material are the names of the characters? People who don't care about tone or writing or anything? Like people who only care about the fact, it's attached to an already well-liked IP?

I expected a show with elaborate, pg-rated pranks and a dash of character moments that informs us of the man he would become. What I got was some tepid jokes, surreal gags and pop culture references that are out of step with the show that inspired it, and badly-executed visuals at the level of early 2k webtoons than a show that airs on tv.
I get this was probably done on a very tiny budget with no time to polish anything, I just didn't expect the people behind BB and BCS to be okay with half measures.

Yeah, Saul hastily producing a cartoon loosely based on his childhood on a shoestring budget just so he can

-advertise on children's networks
-gain publicity from how fucking stupid it is

would actually make sense

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Wait this shit was real? I thought it was a fucking parody image some random online artist drew up.

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I'm reminded of that Any Forums post about how every Gearbox game feels like it's being written through the filter of an insecure teenager who needs to self-deprecate and explain his own jokes to oversell the idea that he doesn't take himself seriously at all

snapchat bitmojis: the animated series

he's something

You're asking for information you can't have

Is that so?