Is Alan right? Are capeshit fans inherently sexist?

Is Alan right? Are capeshit fans inherently sexist?

Attached: Screenshot_2022-08-03_151609.jpg (720x1106, 175.4K)

I still can't get over how poorly aged that shirt became. Imagine taking shots at your OWN shit and still being wrong. How can you be that out of the loop?

People on Twitter are always wrong

I will if she's hot

>Are capeshit fans inherently sexist?
I wish

I don't know who any of these people are

Inherently? no. But I am.

Harley is hot and you guys are still mean to her.

Essentialist statements of all kinds are stupid and rely on a lack of nuance from the people making them.

I like bullying girls.

They called it irredeemable.
I want to see just how bad they could make it so I can laugh.

So since they did release the Snyder cut, does that mean The Last Jedi will become non-canon?

It's got nothing to do with the main character being a girl. Wonder Woman made money and that has Woman in the name. It's not about the female aspect. Test audiences hated it so much that DC thought it would be best for the brand to just not show the movie anywhere. It's a bad movie, and that has nothing to do with Batgirl being a girl. Personally, i would love to see a movie where a hot girl in tight purple spandex runs around and does backflips while kicking dudes in the face. That gets me hard, you know? But this actress isnt hot and the movie sucks, so no go. Simple as.

>spend years shitting on Snyderfags for asking for a completed movie
>they get it
>proceed to call them trolls, bots and bigots for getting what they wanted
>come crawling back to beg for help from the same trolls, bots and bigots for THEIR movie while still shitting on them
I don't even like Snyder or his groupies but the audacity of this is blowing my mind

This is fucking retarded, why would Snyder fans campaign for a movie that has Affleck's replacement if they will not anything in exchange?

Maybe if female-led capeshit movies didn't suck time after time, the bias would be less justified.

the joke is still over your head

Is that Alex Yiik?

Shouldn't there be so many female comic fans (since comics aren't just for basement dwelling manchildren anymore) that they have the numbers to start the internet shit fit? If they don't, would that mean that women don't care about comics and nobody cares about this nothing movie?

Thinking of that Bill Burr bit about women's sports. Why the fuck is it the duty of men to support this shit? Why can't women do that? Shouldn't these purple haired whores be more upset that their own sex doesn't give a fuck about this shit? Women have a higher purchasing power in the fucking western world.

Is it not just
>Things chuds think

Speaking of, hope that gets canned too

This will not stop OP from making another of these threads, he will keep looking for retarded takes to post here.

Shut the fuck up Sepinwall being a "television critic" automatically puts you in the same category as those losers.

he is literally the guy in the picture, ask him why he hates women