DC Comics

So what are the odds of DC Comics being dismantled to help deal with Warner Bros debts?

Comics are not very profitable.

Attached: dc_spotify.0.jpg (1200x800, 262.16K)

Unlikely. Comics are IP farms and cost next to nothing to make even if they don't sell well

>Comics are not very profitable.
They are IP farms and the money they make from various media and merchandise more than makes up for it.

Attached: kang,-the-new-owner-of-disney.jpg (586x344, 205.45K)

DC isn't really worth enough to settle these kinds of debts.

They could sell the Batman IP to Sony I suppose but then they'd have to discontinue all of DC because Batman (and related IP:s) makes up 60% of their sales.

Batgirl got cancelled, they're a money loss at this point.

Thew amount of money that goes into production might get covered, but the money that goes into PR and marketing isn't.

I do however have optimism this might lead to some premiere hirings to try and bring a prestigious air back to DC

I've heard comics are dirt cheap

Do you know how many movies from any genre have cost millions? Lone Ranger and John Carter of Mars cost Disney more than multiple Batgirl movies and those came out. That's not a Marvel vs DC statement, I'm just listing a couple movie flops that cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Have you seem the absolute disaster that the mcu phase 4 has been?

All modern ip and stories. All hated by mormies.

WB doesn't need it and it's been proven that modern stories are total shit

But they aren't part of a multimulti billion dollar IP that DEPENDS in the IP being seen as good in the eyes of normies

Nigga. Flashpoint is fucking canned.

Because the movie stunk and a bad movie is extremely harmful to a brand. Just ask Green Lantern

Extremely high.

In no sensible universe will any sane business give up the rights to Batman, the second most popular superhero in the world who rakes in billions in merchandise

this is true for Marvel but not for DC
We saw this proven positive during the AT&T merget when Jim Lee said they used to be able to operate at a loss because it wasn't important to make money and big books like batman subsidized books that don't make money

Now operating at a loss will probably kill DC for good
Especially under the new regime

Stop focusing on just live action movies and a corporate shakeup.

Do you honestly believe they need the fucking trashcan comics to keep the batman IP?

Have you seen the King shit?
Nigga I would shit can the entire fucking comics division if there was even a chance that shit stories like that would harm my billion dollar IP.

DC Superheroes are worth more as movies, cartoons, toys, video games, school supplies, clothing, and theme park attractions than as floppy comic books

HOWEVER there is more value in graphic novels than floppies

I can't see them justifying the cost of floppies but I think GNs for Kids, YA and Adults will continue

Hopefully, sold to Carlos Slim.

Outside of miles morales..Morales.
Cab you name a single new ip or story created in the last 20 years that gas any damned potential as a cartoon, to show, or movie

You need the DC universe to have the other capes for Batman to playoff and Superman, while not as popular as Batman, also is too valuable of an IP

A super-sons anime would be nice.

Superman is not popular because the comics are written by scumbags and cowards.
WB is ran by objectively evil out of touch people.

Superman. can never be good when mot written by the right people. And modern comic creative are not the right people.

Jon is a faggot and Damian is a rape baby.