Where would Double D and Ed be without Eddy?

Where would Double D and Ed be without Eddy?

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Hanging out with the other kids.

The Cul de sac kids actually liked Double D cuz he was helping them

Slightly more accepted by the other kids but not as interested in playing outside.

Not friends. Eddy is the glue that holds them together.

Double D be part of Kevin, Nazz and Rolf's clique while Ed would have wound up Jonny's best friend, probably.


>Double D
A casual acquaintance to the other kids, but mostly does his own thing.

Either Sarah's goon or one of the Urban Rangers.

Double D would confuse the Cul De Sac kids with his babbling. He'd probably be friendly with but pushed around by Kevin and Rolf. Eddy does the same but Eddy also feels like he needs Double D at the end of the day
Ed would be a lump anywhere he goes, but probably spend most his time in his room

Double D stuck in his room not going out.
Ed stuck in his room reading comics and watching horror movies.

The 3 of them are friends because they compliment each others strength and weaknesses. If you rewatch the show half of the time they just goof off instead of scamming.

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People seem to forget the Edd and Ed have their own faults too.

Double D is a narc and a know it all hypochondriac. It was shown multiple times in the episodes they hate/annoyed by him because of this. Also needing him because they need him to fix something is not the same as being friendly.

Ed was a slob, stupid and too obsessed with monsters. He can only really work with Rolf if he was being guided by Edd and Eddy.

None of this are Eddy's fault but he sticks with them.

The other kids actually liked Double D, they were nice to him by default until some scam related thing came up. I can see him being pretty welcomed and popular without the scams interfering with their perception of him.

His situation had that vibe of “Why do you hang around with these losers Double D? You could go so far without them”.

a lot of people seem to think double d would be some big dick gigachad loved by all if he wasn't friends with the other two eds, the truth is he needs them just as much as they need him

>The other kids actually liked Double D, they were nice to him by default until some scam related thing came up.
Not true, most of the kids like/tolerate the trio, except Sarah and Kevin.

> Why do you hang around with these losers Double D? You could go so far without them”.
That was especially noticeable in the School seasons where they flanderized the characters. Double D was starting to hate Eddy and tried his best to be an annoying foil to him. Ed went from "okay so he's not so bright" to "wow this guy is an absolute fucking retard" in the span of 2 seasons. Eddy became more aggressive towards his friends and treats them like shit. Their whole group dynamic became so dysfunctional that it ruined the flow of everything.

It's the eddfags projecting.

There was multiple instances in the show of Kevin being cordial to Double D, maybe not super nice but treating him like a normal kid and not being hostile or suspicious. Sarah too. It’s why it stands out.

Rolf, Naz, Johnny, don’t generally start out hating them I give you that, but Double D is the one who has multiple examples of pretty much all the other kids being cool with him.

>Double D was starting to hate Eddy and tried his best to be an annoying foil to him.
Double D has always been a moralfaggot.

>Ed went from "okay so he's not so bright" to "wow this guy is an absolute fucking retard" in the span of 2 seasons.
What did you mean by this? Like he cant be intelligible anymore? Because thats not true.

>Eddy became more aggressive towards his friends and treats them like shit.
But he has done worse in the older season and besides he always gets his comeuppance.

Raw dogging all the hot bitches cus he's a nice intellectual like me
Idk, being Kevin sidekick or something.

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season 1 treated ed and edd as basically autists who needed a high energy guy like eddy to be able to do anything outside
rest of the show edd is much more neurotic and diplomatic around around the kids
ed is stupider and "lovable"

ed and edd initially are made to be the kind of kids who scare off people with their obsessive personalities

>There was multiple instances in the show of Kevin being cordial to Double D, maybe not super nice but treating him like a normal kid and not being hostile or suspicious. Sarah too. It’s why it stands out.
But Kevin can be friendly with Eddy specially if something bad happens to the other kids and not him. I never saw Kevin act suspicious around Ed but he still calls him a dork. Sarah can be concerned for Ed if she actually thinks her brother is in actual danger. Sarah is only annoyed by Eddy if he would openly mock her. She would even gladly take part in scams atleast until they fail.

I think the instances of Kevin being friendly with Eddy were rarer and fell off later in the show, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen them all to know for sure.