How did a 90 million dollar movie become lost media

How did a 90 million dollar movie become lost media

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Because it sucks. Some literal who in the Batgirl suit.

Isn't the first, won't be the last and will most likely be leaked.

The ego of the guy running the studio. He wants to move away from streaming and, rather than just putting the movie in theaters, he's taking the loss so he doesn't risk blame if it doesn't do well or letting the previous guys get credit if it does.

Just stupid Hollywood shit.

Because it was probably shit

So what does he have to lose if it gets dumped and forgotten on streaming?

Did you watch the movies they actually put out? That was obviously never an issue.

Studios release shitty movies all the time.

Morbius was a piece of shit and it made over $150 million, you think a Batman spinoff, no matter how bad, couldn't at least make that much?

It's not lost media if it was never released.

Harms the brand they're trying to create with their post flashpoint DC universe. A 90 million dollar loss isn't as bad to them as a shitty Batgirl movie everyone hates and ruins the character in the eyes of normies for a decade for 20 or 30 million on ROI.

The logical reasoning would be because they've designed a plan for new releases over the next couple of years and they wanted cohesion for some reason. But things are never logical with suits so who knows.

It got a 30 out of 100 in test screenings.
A 30.
If you get a 30 in one of your classes, you flunk and redo the year.

People have released things that score that badly, sure. But here they had to weigh a few things, including the possibility of doing actual damage to one of their proven moneymaker IPs. They decided they were better off using it as a tax writeoff. Because it scored a fucking 30.

Not true, it's scores were in the 60s.

look at her lips

The new word from Variety is that this and the other cancellations are last-second accounting tricks for tax purposes before the financial year ends. Don't know if that means the projects will be brought back later.

its lost media as long as 1 person watched it

Because the reboot isn't happening anymore

It tested in the 30s.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, it scored in the low 60s.

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>Don't know if that means the projects will be brought back later.
They can't be. If they're written off they can never be released

I meant more like elements of cancelled projects repurposed for other work. Obviously it would be wrong to write something off and then try to sell it.

Okay, according to NYP it actually scored in the 30s.

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"lost media" is the cringiest reddit meme holy shit. Literally rises consumerism as a religion.

Not him, but in any discussion of the entertainment industry the trade rags trump anything else.

Came here to say that, faggiest shit ever.

>Harms the brand

How does it harm the brand if it's dumped on streaming where most people won't watch it? You could even pretend it's its own isolated thing by slapping multiverse shit on it.

After Birds of Prey flopped, I think they decided they didn't want Batman painted with the same brush as Birds of Prey. Sometimes when you want to protect your golden goose you kill off the ugly duckling and take your tax writeoff. Maybe the ugly duckling would've turned out to be a swan! Maybe. Maybe not. Not worth endangering the goose that lays golden eggs.

The more shitty cape movies out there, the more people get sick of cape movies.

Is anyone outside of Twitter and RetardERA posters actually upset about this?

>Don't know if that means the projects will be brought back later.
You don't know if tax fraud is a big enough reason to not release it?

Apparently it tested horribly badly with the audiences, literally unwatchable. Batman is still the untarnished brand for WB (both The Batman and Joker were great), so the last thing they need right now is to release a Bat-movie that is a laughing stock. Batman's reputation was worth the money lost by not releasing this movie.
And I'm just glad we didn't have to watch Batgirl get ruined like this. At least give her a decent fucking suit next time.

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>Any minute now people will be sick of cape movies!!

Nobody forced you not to read the conversation.

No, it tested 'mediocre'. Not bad, but not good, either.

I mean, they got sick of Cowboy movies. It took a while, and we still got the odd "it's a good genre in moderation, dammit" movie, but the cowboy movie craze ended. Nothing lasts forever, and the budgets for movies are WAY bigger risks than the budgets of those old cowboy movies.

Frankly DC's been fucking up their brand at such an accelerated pace for so long it's not surprising that sooner or later someone slammed on the breaks.

Nobody forced you to be this dumb but here we are.

30 isn't mediocre.

>doubling down on your idiocy
Your 'point' was already directly addressed you stupid cunt.