The Mission Hill spinoff 'Gus and Wally' is no longer happening

The Mission Hill spinoff 'Gus and Wally' is no longer happening

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Attached: Screenshot_2109.png (595x534, 62.26K)

Nobody wanted that, hell how did that end up on the table?

i didn't know this was going to be a thing. i also didn't know Bill Oakley was even still working. also if you don't want industry jews owning your shit. don't sell it to them in the first place.

>Sold the rights to his characters, then whines about not owning the rights to them
What a fucking retard

I bought Oakley assault Lt 2 boots and they're super comfy and stylish

I never cared for Mission Hill, bring back the Oblongs instead

God, Any Forums is so fuckin stupid.

Mission Hill was an extremely time-sensitive show that was incredible, but only because of when it came out.
Even a spin-off with Gus and Wally probably wouldn't be nearly as good in the 2020s.

tWentY YEARS latER, tRust ME, it's happEnIng.

Keep sucking that corporate pole.
Why should they keep the rights if NO ONE can use it ever again?


Because they bought them. It's theirs, they decide when and how to use them.

Good i did notwant to watch gay sex: the show

I wanted it

Seems to me like it was never happening. If you pitch it to everyone, nobody picks it up, and it never enters production, why would anyone think it was going to happen?

Should have just animated the script readings from 20 years ago and called it a day


This. For the life of me, I can't fathom why Oakley would want to do a spin-off of a show that had a moderate cult following and only feature two of the original characters.
Gus and Wally were fine on Mission Hill, but that was an ensemble show if there ever was one. A show about JUST them...I don't know

I don't think he ever said it would just them, only that the show would focus on them. Like how the original focused on Andy and Kevin.

Sounds rounds to me