Why is it impossible to find chinese comics ?

4 years ago released the movie on netflix, and today it is still impossible to find anything about the original comic 7723 by Wang Nima in english.

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Does China even export its comics?

It's called manga you idiot.


Are you retarded?

no it isn't

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There are tons of them on mangadex for some reason.
Bilibili even has their own account that they use to post all their shit on mangadex that links directly to their site.

the reason is that they are the same guy doing fan translation
but I still can't find 7723 anywhere

Nextgen thread!

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>but I still can't find 7723 anywhere
Chinese government cracked down on rage comics for making fun of various politicians.
7723 could've been completely scrubbed from the internet before the movie was even finished.

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post how she looks in the original comic.

Yes China shitting on their own culture is pretty much what we all expect.
But did the artist repost or redo his work elsewhere ? I really liked the characters I wish I could read a story of them together for way longer.

That's the problem I can't because it is impossible to find anything about it anywhere.
I think I need to get a chinese vpn and learn ancient chinese language just to know if the author is still working or not.

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>It's called manga you idiot.
You're the idiot it's called "manwha" notice the W, H and A. Most of it fucking sucks

>Bilibili even has their own account that they use to post all their shit on mangadex that links directly to their site.
More like clog up the latest releases section. Fuckers do it on purpose and are allowed to by MD

you gotta go to chinatown for that stuff
but chinatown bookstores are run by old chinese people who hates people reading books in their stores

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nice I wish I could get his model

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I think I'm ok with MaiSu's model not being out there on the internet.
I don't think I want to see terrible things being done to my fave girl.
Not that I wouldn't watch such material.
But I'd feel horribly guilty afterwards.

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Same, but I think I may give it a try and redo the model myself to exercise my modelling skills.
I actually found this movie just by searching for 3D learning things and didn't expect it to be more than a cheap demo.

I'm very sad to to see that the base material is either dead or hidden, if only the movie artists had rights on it they could have gone further and expending the story.
Sadly the movie was still produced by china and the 3D studio is full dead now.

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man, looked real cute with long hair.

There are a lot of hair variants in the opening.

By the way there are a lot of hidden things in the movie but the opening is very funny if you see Mai as an animation artist and the robots as Disney company it become very funny.

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The magic word is manhua. Manhwa is gook shit.

There's plenty of manhua sites out there full of translated chink shit, user. Having a quick look however, I can't find what you want either. If it's not Chinese wizards calling each other trash and kidnapping jade-like beauties translators don't seem interested.