Rule 63

I think Damian Wayne would be a better character if he had been a girl. Plus I like the idea of Batman having a daughter.
Just like Wonder Woman should have a son.
Also, genderbender time!

I'm going to write a FemDamian fic. Any name suggestions?

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>I think Damian Wayne would be a better character if he had been a girl.
No he would not. You would just look past him being a little shit because of "coomer goggles"

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>I'm going to write a FemDamian fic. Any name suggestions?
Something about how Bruce notice how Damian starts looking more like her mother.

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So anyone has been following the Milf Timantha sage from the drawfriend who might or might not be Dunhier?

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Maybe I'm grasping the straws here but it looks like if you put all the pics together makes it look like Timomtha is having a midlife crisis.

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Nice digits!
>Any name suggestions
In the Earth-11 series Teen Justice, F!Damian is named Talia Kane, although before that, I think people just kind of defaulted to Dami or something like that

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Why wouldn't he(she?) get paired off with Cass as Cass' Robin?

Male!Donna looks like the star of a new kung fu flick

It would be cool to see the genderbend universe of DC

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Suddenly I would be hated for shipping them

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Because it is Batwoman and Robin, not Batlad and Robin. Also at the time of her debut the role of Batlad was empty as Cassius was off the table due to editorial fiat and it'd be another few years before Steve took the title.

Tonitron x Mr. Venom OTP.

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