Did Finn deserve to die alone

Did Finn deserve to die alone

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>blonde guy gets cucked
Jews did this.


>Crushing on PB, who was a lesbian.
>Manipulating Flame Princess to fight an old man with Alzheimer’s, nearly getting her killed while doing so.


Cosmos owl really trolled fin on that episode.

>taking a 13 year old this seriously, even when those said people are worse than him.
Bubbline fags really like to play mental gymnastics.

"Deserve's got nothing to do with it."

No. If anyone says other wise is a beta male or a raging dyke.

It only took one.

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Maybe after all the interactions with the princesses, he wanted to.

Remember when he fucked a pillow?

He didn't

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PB being a lesbian came out of fucking nowhere though

Though I agree the writers are pretty gay and could well be taking their resentments of straight white men out on Finn (on some level), I think it's reasonable to conclude he ended up with Huntress Wizard, albeit maybe in a sort of on-off relationship

>Retroactively a lesbian during the show's worst period

Yeah, what an idiot Finn was. Couldn't he tell she was gay when she was dating him and they were making goo-goo eyes at each other? Or that time she kissed him straight on the mouth? Pretty sure you can taste gay.

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>Crushing on PB, who was a lesbian.
Finn fucking dodged a bullet, PB is a thousand-year-old sociopath with loose morals. You should pity Marceline

Just because a girl looks nice at you doesn’t mean she likes you

>no other girls in the world exist

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He might get a GF (or BF) once this show gets a reboot in a couple of years like the upcoming reboots for PPG and Foster's (hell, even Swat Kats is getting a revival)

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Why should I pity her? Marceline is also a thousand year old sociopath with loose morals.

I would watch a show with them going on Adventures and having a cute but wholesome relationship. People would get REAL but hurt though.

>blatant Bi erasure
She had boyfriends, also she was interested in Finn when they were both the same age.