How did this fucker get away EVERYTIME?

How did this fucker get away EVERYTIME?

Attached: rupert thorne batman.png (640x480, 348.69K)

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why he was so dummy thicc tho

Expensive lawyers and most probably the animators were too lazy to come up with a new design for Mafia boss

so he could continue to be a thorne in batman's side

He didn't in that Batwoman movie, they mostly used the Penguin as Gotham's top mobster in the later season aside from that

That doesn't mean shit. Most probably they used Penguin because he's a recognizable villain

Batman is perfect for giving villains a good hiding, but he can't put them in jail. Due process and all that. Gangsters have to decide whether their drug money is worth getting their collarbone snapped once a season.

>Killed (Maybe) The Two-Face Twins

Bastard must DIE!

How come the comics haven't used Rupert Thorne in decades?

Because the only old villains writers ever want to re-use are costumed villains. Hugo Strange and Falcone are the only notable exceptions.

See Good question, I wish I knew.

Was he a ripoff of Wilson Fisk?

>not as smart
>not even physically strong
>not bald

I don't know but his secretary was the best girl.

Attached: Candice.gif (540x540, 2.43M)

What about this asshole?

Attached: roland daggett.jpg (600x450, 127.08K)

And like said, the Penguin took over the "top mobster in Gotham" role in the 90s.

I think by his last appearance in "Return of Batgirl", he was dead broke and all his businesses were shut down.

Thorne was actually based on a real life figure.
Thorne originated in the comics as a politician figure with underworld power, much like Boss Tweed.
Steve Englehart, Thorne's creator, admited as much.

Isn't he dead?

Nope, he's still alive, and according to the wiki makes occasional cameos in Blackgate. Which is just baffling, if he's iconic and recognizable enough to make cameos, why does nobody use him as an actual crime boss again?

Wasn't his only relevance in the comics being part of an ongoing storyline involving Hugo Strange back in the 80s?

His most recent cameo was in Three Jokers.

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