Fucked-up eyes

>Fucked-up eyes
>Fucked-up teeth
>Fucked-up acne
>Fucked-up ears
how does anyone consider this attractive?

Attached: uzyyualu-1920.jpg (1920x1080, 166.98K)

They're freckles you racist.

She looks hot when she's fat

>same teeth as everyone else
>ears almost never seen, but still the same ears as everyone else (ft piercings)

It's her hips.

I think shes ugly too but
>everyone in the show looks like that
>also those are freckles

her hair looks shitty, is she mixed or hispanic?

>ft piercings
Also ft tetanus

Attached: C5eveV3UYAAtJj0.jpg_large.jpg (1920x1080, 158.17K)

Because she's young and full of naivety and I can groom her into a respectable woman and manipulate her mind to be servile to me as a man and understand her place as a woman should. She will be untainted by feminism, liberalism or any other such nonsense. I will deflower her passionately and losen her tight tight pussy romantically and make her addicted to me. The thought of this and making hags eternally seethe about it is the greatest joy I can imagine as a man.
>inb4 pedo
If that's what that is then that's what I am. Doesn't change shit, cope and seethe.

Attached: SneedLore.png (960x432, 536.05K)

Massive ass and legs

How she get that ass so big?

You get tetanus from dirt and feces, not metal. Keep seething though, it’s funny to see you lose your head over a drawing.

That has to be a pretty bad piercing job to make you go partially deaf

Go cut yourself

Attached: jackie_hips.webm (1280x720, 153.07K)

Attached: 000333072430-7a5yik.jpg (500x500, 51.43K)

Jackie is fertile and should b impregnated as soon as possible.

He's one of those sexless nerds who thinks anything more than one piercing in each earlobe makes you a slut, just going from one cock to the next like a dog hoovering up snacks from the floor.

Never his, though. No. Never his.

This shot was so weird. She wasn't even showing off her piercing to Marco or anything; it's just incidental.

What's really weird is how the ball of the piercing on the left makes it look like she's got a really, really short finger with a silver nail. I had to look at that pic several times before I could work out what was going on with her hand, it's so weird.

I think that's a problem with looking at it as a static image rather than as part of an animation.

She's not a mermaid, she's an iguana

ass tan lines