Can there ever be a modern incarnation of Lola Bunny that won't receive hateful rejection because it's not 90's Lola?

Can there ever be a modern incarnation of Lola Bunny that won't receive hateful rejection because it's not 90's Lola?

Attached: lola.jpg (1280x720, 87.08K)

She femdoms her boyfriend so hard

Fuck that one. She had NO personality at all. LTS Lola was the best.

No. We don't want basic bitch Lola. We want strong, feisty Lola.

You'd think the latter would appeal to the SJWs, but apparently because Lola is hot it makes them mad.

I'd blow that bitch so hard

you just posted the best Lola

Damn, even this version of Lola has titties. When did Hollywood decide feminine characteristics was bad?

You just posted her
>funny enough to stand out on her own
>desexualized enough to please the masses
>still cute enough to fap to

Space Jam 2 Lola is garbage like the lives of the people who support her (?)

Based numbers spacejamfags can never recover

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right after the kids cartoons eliminated them, and those kids grew up

Don't worry, she's Bugs' sister in the Tiny Toons Reboot.

Attached: Retard Strength.png (866x863, 1004.28K)

People love TLTS Lola, or at least now they do.

I mean yeah, if you were constantly kicking me in the nuts then one day just started setting me on fire, I'm going to look fondly back at when you just kicked me in the nuts.

Maybe it's just on my end but I definitely see people straight up liking her nowadays. Oh well.

Because the newest iteration of Lola sucks. In 10 years, Lola will be a black sassy fat tranny and the Space Jam 2 iteration will be looked back fondly on.

Lola telling Bugs they're over cause she's addicted to human cock

Best version of Lola hands down.
