South Park

Imagine this: Each of the other 3 kids took Cartman's place for a while, how well would Liane get along with them?

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I think she'd get along with them very well, but imagine if then Cartman came back. I would guess that Liane would have changed her attitude towards him.

I can see Kyle expressing to Liane some sort of moral dilemma he's going through and Liane replies with "Ooh I'm very sorry to hear that poopsykins. Say how about I make you some lemonade?"

Probably nothing that interesting would happen. Kenny would get a kick out of getting a bunch of free food but that's probably it. Stan and Kyle would mostly be behaved and probably make a comment about how its no wonder Cartman's so fat with what Liane was feeding him and is now trying to feed them.

There are probably more interesting parent swaps, Like how would Kyle handle growing up in the McCormick household instead of Kenny? How would Cartman fare in the Broflovski household? Or how would Kenny react to living with the Marshes and having a sister like Shelly, or a Dad like Randy who ends up moving him to a weed farm?

How do you think they'd respond to Liane's babying tendencies? Like if she wanted to tuck them into bed and read them bedtime stories?

Stan's mom already reads him bedtime stories (Cartoon Wars Part 1) so it wouldn't be all that different for him. Kyle's parents don't seem to be that kind of people but Kyle probably wouldn't mind it either. Kenny would just be happy to have a parent who actually tends to him instead of getting drunk every night.

depends which era this is
early era Liane as a whore with nympho Kenny or lil asshole Kyle/ Stan might be fun
but current day boring nagging mom Liane just can't work with a moralfag, a passive faggot with white guilt, or a nonexistent character

Fuck you

Genuine suggestion, how would she get along with Liane?

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How would current day Liane respond to early era Cartman, who's mostly harmless and even refuses to say the word penis cuz his mom told his that the right word for it is "fireman"?

on one hand his schemes aren't as psycho
but hes a lot more of a little prick and he learned a lot of that from her
we all forget Liane was just as bad

South Park. Google "random number generator" and type in 317(the total number of episodes). Now look at the episode number the RNG gave you, good. Now rewrite that episode into something better. You can rewrite it into anything as long as it's still the same theme or premise of said episode.

Also what do you think the next game will be about?

they get fat because liane's used to making enough food to feed cartman and they eat all of it anyway to be nice

So how well would Liane get along with him then?

Eric was originally not downright bigoted, just stupid and edgy, and Liane taught him a lot of that. But nowadays making a little hitler joke is on par with being a literal nazi, so they had to either crank it up to 11 or remove those traits. They went with the former with Eric and the latter with Liane, now we have a little genocidal maniac and a boring ninny.

Eric has always been bigoted, but it came off as more ignorant than outright malicious.

I don't see his silly childish antics as bigotry, unless my idea is a lot more loose than yours

What do you think the actual Adolf Hitler would've thought of Cartman?

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>That one episode where kenny tried to replace kyle as stan's best friend

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I would ask for a blowjob from Liane