Wayne Boring’s Superman

>Wayne Boring’s Superman
>Dick Sprang’s Batman
This was the peak for those characters. No one else ever came close

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why is Bruce Wayne boring Superman and why is Dick Grayson springing on Batman?

Why is Penguin's face melting? Is Batman one of the Spirits from the Ark of the Covenant?

It's refreshing to see a character with so many chins.

its hot out and penguins come from the south pole

Jim Aparo Batman is best Batman

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I always liked that image because it has characters Sprang actually drew, unlike that pin-up for Detective #600 or the "Dick Sprang remembers" pic where he includes a bunch of characters like Scarecrow that never appeared during his run.

The John Romita of Bat artists. Clean, crisp, iconic

Dick Broke?
Nope, Dick Sprang

Jim had the best Batman.

This is a great example of nominative determinism. There was a Batman script, it said “dick sprang into action,” and so based on that they chose their Batman artist
There was another guy they actually approached first, but when he found out it was for Batman he said “Wayne? Boring!” so they put him on Superman instead

Gosh I love Wayne Boring, thank you for making these threads user.

Wayne really gets over shadowed by Curt Swan which is too bad I liked his take on the character.

but that cover is by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, Aparo inked Byrne's pencils on the interiors


but superman is always boring

You mean Wayne?

Nice one.


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