Why is Batfleck appearing in more dceu stuff now?

Why is Batfleck appearing in more dceu stuff now?

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Because they're still squeaking out stuff from 2019.

He plays the role of "Batman," hope this helps

Wait what? Keaton is Batman now.

Are they reshooting his scenes with Affleck or are there two Batmans now? Or maybe WB just decided that Flash doesn't exist anymore which would be fucking hilarious

I mean wasn't that always sorta the plan? have pattinson be the young one, affleck middle aged, and keaton old in sperate universes?

Somehow Batfleck returned

No, that wasn't the plan at all. Flash is a Flashpoint movie which would replace Affleck with Keaton while Pattinson is its own thing like Joker

He wasn't a bad Batman, the writers and Snyder did him dirty as hell though. Remember back when it came out, how broken Ben Affleck looked?

Because everytime we get within 8 months of The Flash releasing WB delays it another year. So we're stuck in a eternal limbo where Affleck both is and is not Batman in a Cinematic Universe that both does and does not exist

Ezra Miller seems to have BTFO'D all of Discovery-Warner's plans to proceed with the rebooted DCEU

Unironically based, they deserve it for what that movie wanted for Superman

because WB is finally fixing itself

Boy's so fast he ran himself out of the franchise.

Well thank god for them then. Maybe WB can reshoot Black Adam and Batgirl next.

>Ezra Miller seems to have BTFO'D all of Discovery-Warner's plans to proceed with the rebooted DCEU
This. WB/DC now desperate enough to try to get Christopher Nolan and Christian bale to return as a fallback plan.

Nolan ain't coming back after WB fucked him on Tenet kek, Bale will for a paycheck like Tobey did with Spider-Man

Affleck needs the money.

Because it's kino

this, his new wife has expensive tastes.

The Flash was supposed to introduce Keatonbats. Since that may never happen now, they have to scramble and use Batfleck until they can try again.

Although some say audiences were confused at seeing Keaton again.

>which would replace Affleck with Keaton
we don't know that though, unless you've seen the movie
all speculation based on "leaks"