OOPS 191

>A first time for everything

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Never gets easier, Elim.

Potential crack theory:Has anyone tried checking this crazy night sky we keep seeing against actual nasa pics? I wouldn't put it past val to try and sneak a clue like that in here.

I wonder if we're going to find out more about how they know the other refugees. From what we've been told he and Kass apparently deserted pretty quickly but they seemed to have some experience with that medic they were living with beyond just knowing he's a drug addict.

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the fuck is up with that guy's hair?

Probably some kind or scar, or a burn from the toxic byproducts the drug production there produces. Or maybe he's just going bald.

IIRC, Val's notes say that he got a hair tonic from a snake oil salesman and that was the result.

Congrats to Val for doing his first all human action sequence.

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He got scammed into buying mites and putting them on his scalp

>this crazy night sky

user that's what the night sky is supposed to look like... at least, when and where there isn't a bunch of city lights blasting into the over-hanging smog particles in the air blotting it out.

user, I'm not quite sure where you live but I don't ever recall seeing a fucking warp storm going on above my head and I've been in so pretty remote camp sites.

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It's a nebula.

Val said he drew it and then puts in into the sky whenever it's night time because he's not drawing that over and over again and it's not supposed to change at a rate anyone can perceive it.

You have to go widdershins thrice around an ash tree at sunset, user. Technically, it also works at sunrise, but then it's too bright to see anything.

Bump for ValSalia, until the inevitable. The art in the fight sequence looks stiff, but then real fighting in armor wouldn't look comic book-ish anyway. Maybe this is more accurate.

>Showing your back in a melee.
>Some kinda full pirouette strike

He's lucky to still be alive if he fights like that.
Or he was just showing off that time, to a dead man, like a fool.

Iirc they were just conscripts with zero training which is why they deserted. This is likely just them booking it while having no clue what they're actually doing.

>taxi driver
Elims had a lot of jobs

Don't forget giant beetle tender

Huh, is this our first time seeing trees?

user he managed to parry a fuck off slab of metal with a widdly mace without breaking his wrist. The Turk is clearly asthmatic.

Most of the story does take place in a desert and this flashback is further north.

But yeah, first time seeing green trees in the story I think.

Anyone have the labeled map? I can't se to find it on either site.

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