Pure fucking soul

Pure fucking soul.


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It will be better than the zemeckis version, thats for sure.

Disney remake will be better.

Why there are so many pinocchio movies coming lately?

Del Toro’s been working on this for a decade.


>his son dead
>he chopped the tree behinds his sons grave to make the puppet

This is going to be a sad movie.

>borrowed soul

It’s gonna be a tearjerker.

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Too bad the animation’s wasted on a fucking overdone Pinocchio story.

>Del Taco
Eww. No thanks.

Fuck off racist.

>you might think you know the story
>but you dont know the REAL story
NEEDS to be federally banned NOW


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Making the Blue Fairy a creepy but sexy bird monster is a much better choice than making her exactly the same, but black.

It’s supposed to be a Spirit


I fucking hate the
>You think you know the story....BUT YOU DON'T
trope but aside from that it looks like typical Del Toro kino.

the moment I heard that I dislike it, ngl. tired of seeing this trope

Public Domain

Hot Take: A professional carpenter should be able to make a puppet that looks less like driftwood.

At best I would buy that motherfucker as a stylized troll or fairy marionette, not a fake boy, let alone a real one.

Fun fact: the co-director of that movie was originally going to make a stop-motion animated film about Michael Jackson with Taika Waititi (before the latter ditched the project and backstabbed the studio producing it).

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Why'd the last thread get 404'd?