Who could even hope to take on this team?

Who could even hope to take on this team?

Attached: FYjO1tlXEAIFVsL.jpg (4096x2782, 1.61M)

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Ask /tg/.

Fuck I dont know, I dont know man. I heard the attrition rate is 97.4%. Its like trying to get into delta force when you just enlisted into the army.

/tg/ here, I would not get near this group even if you pay me much less try to take them on.

For some reason, I can't help but think Skeletor driven insane by a genderbender spell would work.

Attached: Ms. Skeletor.jpg (1506x1600, 2.34M)

Flustered magical girl orc is cute

>the clean shaven dwarf
Could have just said "Sober Dwarf." No need to cut the beard.
Seems awfully rude to go that far so quickly.

Gonna be honest, I'd be way too busy impregnating Dixa and Waaghdoka to care about fighting the rest.

>wants to draw le funni inversion
>still makes the orc buff
Yet another sign that this guy fucking SUCKS!

Every thing here is wrong and I love it

Attached: 1332178101170.jpg (399x372, 36.36K)

I think the orc girl is from another comic where she wanted to be a sorcerer from a totally trustworthy fellow that ended up giving her a magical girl makeover and annoying mascot familiar. She is adorably embarrassed about it.

Every time i see a baalbuddy "comic," I filter the image dimensions. Hopefully there will come a day where I never have to see his cheap drivel ever again.

Is that the same orc?

Attached: baalbuddy.jpg (850x2039, 726.17K)

It would be real hard to say they are considering the face, hair, and outfit are different.

>beard shaven
by the book

Attached: pkzmalgjr71w94gct_400.jpg (400x226, 23.35K)

Clean shaven dwarves are legitimately painfully underutilized

Attached: varric_tethras_by_amoebae-d8adzny.jpg (1191x670, 84.29K)

Same name though.

Couldn't commit to a design or an exact spelling apparently.

Isn't the guy from the witcher a manly elf?

Whos the big halfling supossed to be?

Coomer probably.



I fucking hate dwarfs and hope they all die.

Is that the actual Dwarf or is that the elf that body-swapped into a Dwarf?

They're is a special kind of cancer

It's a different dwarf

Attached: FYjed4rXkAA34ty.png (3700x2800, 576.22K)

Absolutely counter-culture and spits into the face of tradition. Keep this up and it's going in the book you uncouth youth.

Attached: FYjed5lXoAAFNme.png (3800x2800, 676.4K)

>What dark secrets does you past hold?
This is why you get proof readers, friends

And they hated him because he said the truth,