/RIPPAVERSE/ Discussion Thread

I'm very happy to see young black men supporting an all-new black super hero! This is a major win for not only diversity but BIPOC Creator-Owned comics.

Do you agree? I hope Rippaverse inspires more african american creators to get into indie comics.

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It's legit over for Marvel/DC. Rippaverse will be bigger than them within a year.

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Good thing i saved this

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shill thread do not reply if you want to make fun of op be sure you fill option column with sage so it doesnt get bump

the author of this comic is a literal nazi


White hands typed this garbage of a post

Oh hey, we've gone 48 hours without a Rippa thread, so I guess your ban just expired, huh?

Imagine defending the banks that do this.

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Don't forget the followup

...you're saying banks shouldn't have fraud protection for their customers? Really?

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Monkeypox'd hands typed this post. Grampa Nurgle laughs

>approaching 40,000 book sales
How does it feel rippabros?

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>yo rippa, when you gonna buy a Lamborghini?
>I'm going to invest the money into industrial assets and tooling to build my business
weird to hear that, was expecting him to get gold chains and spinning rims

I got a more compact screenshot

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>PayPal is le good
Right wingers win again

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It's his company account, moron. And PayPal knows it.

I don't understand why this whole affair makes some people so angry. As a DChad I welcome competition in an industry riddled with nepotism and incestuous hiring.

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How is this possible? Is this guy HUGE in the USA? Never heard of him.

>says Paypal shouldn't have fraud protection
>posts a picture of two literal frauds, calling it a Right wing victory

Yup, sounds about right.

I wonder if DailyWire will buy his company to make their own live action capeshit

What makes you think he isn't already funded by rightwingers and republican organizations

because he isn't based in isreal

He is a Thomas Sowell fanboy. They hate the nigga culture

It's almost like there was a huge audience that has been turned off by Marvel and DC's corporate woke posturing

>Doesn't know who Peter Thiel is
user, I...

>thinks Peter Thiel and Trump are anything to aspire to

Okay, Smoothbrain Criminal

If you unironically think this is the only alternative to Marvel/DC in western comics
You're an idiot
You care less about comics and more about online drama
There's nothing to discuss about Rippaverse because its nothing we haven't seen before

>Okay, Smoothbrain Criminal
You literally just praised a policy that he helped introduced, you know, being the co-founder of PayPal. Calling anyone else a smoothbrain is hypocritical of you.

You saying you trust the Banks? You trust the Government?

isn't that the point? its more of the same, but the same from the 2000s. nobody wants the new shit