Captain Carter

What is with this strange and honestly really forced push to make her a thing?

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Mommyfags on the inside. God bless em.

She is the whole point of the MCU bruh.

A bitter white Males hands typed this post.

>cameo in one movie
>one episode of spin off show

But... she's white?

She literally died in her second cameo

You bit the bait.

been in 2 things died and faggots crying as hard as they can

>Tall, busty athletic brunette becomes taller, stronger, and bustier due to super-steroids
>Has posh British accent and dark, sexy eyes
>Multiverse variants guarantee there's a Captain Carter somewhere with a huge, throbbing dick

What's not to like about this?

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This is a muscle mommydom thread. Futafags need not apply

>This is a muscle mommydom thread. Futafags need not apply
Joke's on you, user. I like both of those things

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Feige is too cowardly to go real obscure and try to salvage a potentially more interesting Union Jack-wearing female hero so instead he just rehashed TFA but with Peggy.
Maybe after Wanda it's a good thing. Never been a Wandafag but I get the gist of their displeasure.

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M-She-U takeover


>same thread on resetera and Any Forums
>not even a thread about new peggy what if, specific thread about peggy carter being pushed too much
>even complaints about her being pushed at the expense of sam, who had a full live action show about him, is steve's successor and has a movie coming up
Not only is the entire universe around me a simulation, but the devs are lazy as fuck and reuse assets. And why couldn't I bump into that hot chick from the restaurant yesterday somewhere on the beach today?
Fuck all of you, I want out.

I wanna see her pregnant

we need british representation

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>Browsing Trannyera at all.
Way to oust yourself dumbass
You need to go back

White males seem to live in your head rent free

And? White men only want to see other white men.
And when they want to see (white) women, they have to be scantly clad or naked.

I like his encanto stuff better

They're fun to laugh at, shut up. Plus they tend to get news before this place.

She's barely in the film. I thought it was just a reference to Captain Britain. Is it suppose to lead to a Brian Braddock series or a Captain Carter one?