Are you ready for Lisa to write politician's name on the Death Note?

Are you ready for Lisa to write politician's name on the Death Note?

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Anime Lisa looks like a flat Uzaki-chan.

I can only assume that this is fake.
My psyche won't allow anything else.

They already did that with Bart.

>that nose
mr burns....stein

>doing a Death Note parody
>NOT doing an animated version of the one from the Treehouse of Horror comic

Attached: manga skinner is forlorn.jpg (218x233, 24.92K)

Simpsons caught on the meme far too late.

We already fucking did this with bart

But of coooourse, it just *has* to be Lisa. She's the protagonist now.

If Lisa got the Death Note, she'd kill more people than Light wouldn't she?

It won’t be as good as the comic version

Wanna bet, she would write Trump there?

If I remember correctly L was actually pretty ineffective with the Death Note as far as making the world a better place, killing a bunch of basic criminals instead of corrupt politicians and business men.


People care about modern simpsons?

Mixed up L and Light, I don’t fucking remember Death Note.

They didn't want to give people correct ideas.

Literally has been done already in the comics.

Attached: d1mk5wk-bdf5b47f-44f8-404c-9f1f-33beaf8f188b.jpg (734x966, 204.71K)

That art style is way too simplistic for a manga with too many greys.

She'd probably kill anyone that even slightly insulted with her worldview.

Someone's gotta storytime it at this point. And it can't be me because my Simpson comics got corrupted a while back and I have no idea where to download them anymore.

>Kills non-vegetarians
>Kills birch barlow

Just use an image converter

On what? I just said they're all corrupted. Broken. Incomplete. Unreadable.