Meta Runner S3

The final season is about to begin in 20 minutes

Catch-up playlist:

Attached: 57B8AF11-D45C-4AC1-B08B-294831604A3A.jpg (1242x708, 566.2K)

Don't worry OP, I care.

Starting bump
Here we go

>no opening

Sorry. I’m really excited but I’ve been really tired recently so I’ll watch later.

I don't see how they're gonna wrap everything up in 8 episodes.

That episode legit left me out of breath , and we still have 7 episodes to go.

By making some of the episodes longer, they said.

>its almost over
thank fuck maybe SMG4 will make good content again

But this one was only 13 minutes. Unless the rest of them are 22 minutes, it's gonna feel like a rush job.

Glitch said they decided it was long enough to tell the story
I trust them

>Coraline reference in 2022


I do not care, however.

Then why are you here?

Anyone else get the feeling this episode went way too fast? It's pretty densely packed for being as short as it is.


It’s actually longer than it seems since they cut the intro


How many bumps?

One more