DC retcons everything!

Sales are so far down the shitter that they needed to rebrand the event.

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Is there a universe with straight white characters?

I like how even the news sites aren't buying DC's bullshit that it was "always" going to be this title

Which is the new name?

Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths

Has anyone at DC come down from Mount Olymus and talked to the fans on the street on what they want? Hint, it's not
- BENIS lore
- aged-up Jon
- all our heroes dead
- evil Superman edition #42243
- Tom - King & Taylor

Dark Infinite on Crisis Earths

You act like this is new. They've literally rebooted the series 5 times now.

The fans on the street love cookie cutter snarky MCU stuff and edgelord stuff with people getting brutalized like The Boys, Invincible, and that one scene from Dr Strange 2.

But they never rebooted the reboot mid-reboot before.

>Marvelfags acting like a retitle is a reboot
>Marvelfags acting like they don't have constant piecemeal reboots

Yeaaah but that's not the people buying the DC comics. When DC's tried hard to lean into the edgy or le quirky, they've pretty much tanked most of what they've got except for the bazillion Bat books.

I honestly don't even care at this point. DC is just a pile of recyclable trash.

Crisis in infinite blearths

Dark Crisis sounded fine. Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths sounds bloated.

Dark Final Infinite Identity Crisis on Rebirth of Death Metal Infinite Earths.

>DCtrannies unironically incentives DC to make terrible decisions by supporting their shitty ideas.

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At this point just give Garth Ennis a big event. I'd be more entertained by the Green Lantern getting violently butt fucked than reading another "THE MULTIVERSE IS BACK/GONE!" story.

>They're calling out DC's bullshit?! It must be M-M-Marvelfags!

Bitch I have never read a marlel comic in my life and never will. I just recognize the truth: DC is an absolute pile of shit and their events are jokes. Only event that DC can do that could possibly work is rebooting their entire universe again and starting over from scratch.

I'm certain they'll adapt Twilight of the Superheroes as soon as Alan Moore dies.

God this would've been so much more fitting for the events about the fucking DARK Multiverse

...just stop with the fcking crisis already...

Christ, that's a morbid thought.

I remember when they announced Infinite Frontier and they were very clear that this was gonna lead to their next event, but I figured they were gonna do a Morrison/Hickman thing where they wait a few years to build it up and not do another Crisis event almost immediately after the last one just ended.

Crisis on Infinite Darkness

Crisis on the diminishing returns.

Supergirl, Strange Adventures, and Human Target are good and have very little to do with how retarded Dark Crisis is or any of the other clusterfucks like the Mary Marvel sexual assault comic.

>Supergirl, Strange Adventures, and Human Target are good
They're not.

What do Disney Tv Shows and movies have to do with what comics readers want from DC’s comics?

Kill yourself Tom

>Supergirl, Strange Adventures, and Human Target are good

Tom King is essentially how Byrne views Morrison and Moore, but accurate
>I get no sense from Morrison’s work that he has any “love for the genre.” I get the same vibe I get from Moore—a cold and calculated mixing of ingredients the writer knows the fans like, but to which the writer himself has no viceral connection. Nostalgia without being nostalgic, as I have dubbed it.