This is the future what Nickelodeon wants

>shitty reboots of cartoons
>No wholesome stories
>children will have no one to look up
>shitty nickelodeon crossovers that never fucking happen
And people will stand for this shit?

Attached: nicktrash.png (1065x1323, 2.4M)

Children should be looking up to historical ans political figures, not animated marsupials

>political figures

Children are looking up to Ryder so it's fine.

user is parodying Public domain fag, but it's another waste of a thread

kids can look up to their parents. No one wants wholesome anything, and cross overs were mind blowing for kids in the 90s.
Stop being a whiny bitch and turn off the computer.


Rocko used a cartoony gun in the original too

Attached: 4cf9af109f6d1f245182300f0e1f625ff01fec16r1-768-574v2_hq.jpg (768x574, 52.9K)

What am I looking at here?

Nick partnered with Hi Rez to put a bunch of characters into Smite, like Jenny and Powdered Toast Man. This made OP incredibly angry, because he's massively autistic.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 180.35K)

I get paid nothing for this, I am doing this out of my own free will! I seen the future that Nickelodeon will start, a future where a bunch of edgy bullshit that uses "meta humor" to compensate for a good story, I see where movies can no longer be about spreading good messages and stories about heroes saving the day, people like just want violence, you want pain, you hate real heroes and in your self depreciation you want others to be like pieces of shit like you! Fuck all of you!

Nick will lead to no more child shit
Oh no, the horror... Except that's not happening.
>children will have no one to look up to, they can't have thier dreams be protected
Kids don't give a shit about Spongebob anymore, they're more into amongus and fortnite now, and if you look up only to Sponge Squarepants characters, you're a fucking sheltered autist. Are children really so pathetic now that they look up to some fabrication of a corporation as a role model instead of someone like their parents?
Even when Nickelodeon's funny sponge is not in viacom, you got pajeets making deceptive kids videos about Spongebob and recolors pissing and dying in gas fires, and yes, there are children who watch that shit because of lazy parents who let Youtube's autoplay algorithm raise their kids.

Wait that can't be right. Rocko's Smite render has a tv remote and doesn't use guns.

Attached: FXBgxzUXEAADAOr.jpg (646x614, 75.86K)

Nick doomed itself the very moment Spongebob was born. You're delusional if you expect thing to get better.

OP you fucking faggot, you used a fucking stupid piece of fan art.

Attached: carlos-dattoli-rock-s-modern-life-coverlow.jpg (1754x2196, 1.14M)

So this is what you want...
You want violence?
You want pain?
You want hated?
You want anger?
MOTHERFUCKERS LIKE YOU PISS ME OFF! Always trying to talk down to me like I'm a fucking retard! Well it won't work anymore! How about you go fuck yourself and your shithole newgrounds or whatever the fucking edgy faggots like you hang out at! FUCK YOU!

The seething in this image is pretty pathetic, dude

>So this is what you want

Attached: 1613556644246.png (600x685, 72.66K)

Well I think kids should be looking up to Rocko. He's my friend.

Attached: heffer face.jpg (300x180, 14.77K)

These characters can die off forever or they can have fun cameos like this. Either way no adult should care.

Did you actually watch his show? It was almost all gross out humour