How did they mess up this badly with her? Is there a single person that even likes her?

How did they mess up this badly with her? Is there a single person that even likes her?

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I can't even think of one person

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She’s the best, almost everybody likes her and many love her
You’re a weirdo if you don’t.

You think he scored?

Rabid feminists.

Not with that creeper aura
Unless she’s into that

You understand the Any Forums echo chamber is not indicative of the outside world, right?

I'd love for her to tie me up and kick me in the balls. The movie was trash tho

I think Brie Larson is fine; they just made Carol sooo charmless and monotone in her first movie.
They've been desperately trying to salvage her since Endgame.

Find me any page on the internet where a group of people like her, go ahead I’ll wait. Already checked and there are none ya rat

I do.
I think they did a great job adapting the Cap Marvel cast of characters and Carol's initial self-doubt and drive to do more with her powers. even Yon-Rogg and the Kree were the same hateful bastards they were in the comics.
I also like Brie Larson and want to see her story pick up from where Ms. Marvel left off.

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Precisely. Marvel made Carol unlikeable and Brie Larson made things worse with her bitchy attitude even with her co-stars Hemsworth and Cheadle.

Her only good moment is in Endgame where she talks down to Peter Parker--gave me a boner.

Long hair> shitty short hair

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A lot of people jerk off to her, and I mean a LOT. I was shocked by how much. So in my opinion that means a lot of people like her, or at least find her very sexually appealing.

The character in the movie is fine. She's just a fish out of water that acts like a weird alien soldier who doesn't know anything.
You're conflating your personal feelings about how the actress acts in interviews with the character.

>the character in the movie is fine

I like her. I think people just overreact to everything about the character and piss themselves over anything.

Or maybe some people just have standards.

She was feminine and acted seductively, like, you know, a real woman. No wonder it's a best scene with her in both MCU movies.

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Hopefully she doesn’t need a butt double for the next movie.

The movie had Jude Law, Samuel "motherfucking" Jackson and Ben Mendelsohn, no wonder they carried Brie Larson. Marvel was also in it's prime then.

It's the same problem with Kamala Khan, who is bringing these characters don't understand the basics, first they have to be very attractive, athletic or thicc and charismatic and the costume has to be the one the little girls will ask their mothers for, so it has to be something feminine like Wonder Woman's leotard.
The easiest way was to bring Ms. Marvel Carol to the first Avengers movie with Scarjo, in a long way Feige's choices start to falling apart.

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I thought the movie did fine at the box office, though it feels like Disney doesn’t have confidence in her, what with not even letting the sequel be called “Captain Marvel.”

The movie didn’t really give her a chance to show a personality, and her part in Endgame was very small, so I really don’t know what her character is supposed to be yet.

It is grimly ironic that Wanda accidentally became their most popular female hero while they were preparing to turn her into a villain and dispose of her. Now I don’t know who their flagship heroine is.

i liked her :(

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I don’t think that’s a good metric….

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Kevin Fiege loves her for some reason and that's about it

>Hopefully she doesn’t need a butt double for the next movie.
I thought it was a crime and a tragedy she got a movie before Scarlett Johansson did. But since the feminist and woke Black widow came out I couldn't care less.

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If you want a costume that appeals to kids, it's got to look appealing, and then there has to be something there for them to play with. Easiest way is if it has a cape they can swish around.
But otherwise you've got captain america's shield, light-up gloves for iron man's repulsors, big hulk hands that sort of thing.
I can't imagine the current Captain Marvel costume being very popular with kids because it doesn't inspire play.