Fetish pandering has no place in a children's film

Fetish pandering has no place in a children's film.

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>Fetish pandaing

Hehe PANDAring

Thread does not work, because no matter how you slice it, OP outed herself anyway.

9/11 isn't a fetish.

>Two long things exploding and then becoming smaller afterwards
>Not a fetish

Yes it does.


Then it's a good thing that no children's cartoon has ever done any fetish pandering. They do visual gags intended to make kids laugh and you just so happen to get a boner from it.

I agree. When will the government ban this sort of sick filth?

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then why don't kids laugh when they see it? suspicious

>someone, somewhere legitimately jerks off to anthropomorphic twin towers getting instant loss'd by terrorist plane kun

I beg to differ.

You said it.

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I remember there's the Korean surgeon guy who fucking pays out the ass to have Fox and Falco from Star Fox macro sized and slamming their dicks into skyscrapers, I fucking wonder if he got an erection watching 9/11

Nine month pregnant Mei shaking her belly, grossing out her friends, except Tyler who finds it arousing as fuck

I'm surprised you haven't done an edit with the filename implying she already is preggo

user you can't say shit like that and not even give the barest hint of sauce.

What is she sniffing at the end?

haha what the belly got bigger when he did that

They're called muslims user

>Fetish pandering has no place in a children's film.
Sure. In the US.

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