Admit it, Futurama is overrated

Admit it, Futurama is overrated

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There are now more bad episodes than good episodes, if that's what you mean.


It's a good show that had its time. I am going to binge it again soon because I like it so much


When I was younger I loved it, now I only enjoy like 3 episodes.

Calling something overrated implies that you believe you are better than the vast majority of people. It's an inherently snobby word to use. I don't like it.

No, fuck you.

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By what?

Modern Simpsons tier

Always was.
Isn't that Family Guy?
Futurama didn't have people throwing up and its jokes were "Haha aren't sexy women sexy?" rather than "Haha isn't feral sexy?"
Also the political reference was Al Gore instead of Hitler Fascism Hitler.

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You're overrated

no you

Always hated Leela even during the early seasons she is shit. She ruined the whole show. Hated her acting like a horrible shit cunt and yet getting away with it. But then again that's a central flaw of all western media. Shitty females who ruin the whole damn thing. And don't get me started on that shit romance between Fry and Leela that hijacked the entire Futurama series. Not only did it take over the whole damn series but it ruined Fry along the way. I would have totally killed off Leela and maintained Fry as he was in the early episodes. He wasn't the best dude, but he was not a hopeless simp who can't impress any woman at all.

And don't say "Fry got plenty of women." The show sure loved to pretend Fry was a complete failure with women hence Bender saying "Fry is the equivalent of Zoidberg, a loser who can't get any." Really didn't like those moments with the show beating your head with the forced nonsense that Fry was a hopeless loser with women. And all of that trash done simply to force that shitty Leela romance.

Honestly, yeah. It's still really good though

What's wrong with Bender?

Will never understand how trash like Rick and Morty and Bojack while we're at it became popular. The central element of both is, everyone is an unlikable cunt who deserves the death penalty. Family Guy took its time to make every character irredeemable. But Bojack and Rick characters were awful from episode 1. Well maybe Carolyn wasn't so bad, but even she eventually became irrationally a terrible character who didn't deserve a happy ending.

what was your favorite movie/ finale special, mine was Into the wild green yonder because of deep lore

This is a show that was actually better off being canceled the first time. Arrested Development is another.

Show fell off when they dropped the "let me ax you something" use of Ebonics replacing "ask." I think it was mid-season one.

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It's not very funny
American Dad is better
