What other characters are smarter than Tony Stark ?

Attached: Stark Mogged.jpg (1920x2911, 922.56K)

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Why is she drawn like a racial la caricatura?

She's not even top 50.

Reed Richards and Hank Pym.

good lord, what the fuck is that thing?

lmao that cannot be a real cover

Attached: Dey.jpg (748x455, 79.75K)

He gets BTFO by his daughter all the time.

Her demographic is just that ugly. The are the least attractive demographic according to most people across the globe.

Reed Richards BTFO

Attached: cucked.jpg (772x499, 164.59K)

I don't think she appeals to any demographic.

That has to be edit. That looks nothing like Riri.

Attached: riri origin story.jpg (2500x1286, 3.16M)


Attached: IMG_1703.jpg (1400x2151, 542.99K)


Honestly fell for it for a minute there.


Redpill me on what Moon Girl's gimmick is

Woman of color, c'mon man.

World-offending creature. Don't pretend you didn't know.

>Redpill me on what Moon Girl's gimmick is
She's black.

I won't be surprised after the things I've seen in recent years.



Doesn't change the fact that Stark is a brainlet in comparison.

I heard Marvel goes cheap nowadays but holy shit

like Moon Knight except instead of a knight she's a girl

So it's not official art thanks for confirming.

No legitimate person thinks Luna is the smartest individual in the universe. This is nothing but propaganda in an attempt to push and sell a character. The general consensus for smartest individual on Earth is Valeria > Reed > Doom > Stark/Pym >>> Beast.

blacks are hard to drawn

Attached: ms0s0vmiphs71.png (413x333, 232.37K)

She's a dumb kid that may be smart but isn't very wise so her and her pet dinosaur get up to wacky hijinks and shit. It's actually a lot better and more appealing than it sounds though it's purely a kid comic so your ymmv