ITT: Overrated comic storylines

This gets so much praise, but whenever you actually read it it's literally just Superman having to put up with a bunch of shallow parodies of anti-heroes going "I AM SILLY."

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Isn't the "I AM SILLY" description as much of a reduction as the political cartoons they're mocking?

The boys, crossed, punisher max and every other series write by Garth Ennis, I seriously hate his edgy way to do things

Pleb filtered

>The Authority is... LE BAD
>why?! because they're more popular than our company's capeshit!
That's the story, now y'all don't have to read this tripe

Can an issue be a storyline?

It really does come off as extremely petty.

Everything written by Hickman

I only hate crossed the rest is fine

It's old man yells to a cloud, the comic

I thought it was a decent issue. It was really just playing off of trends of the time from Superman's perspective.
I like Punisher MAX but good lord do I hate Crossed and The Boys. I wouldn't have even liked the boys when I was a 13 year old edgelord.

Claremont's X-Men run is not good comics. Just long.

It is fine but I don't get the insane amount of praise. It is just an okay, fairly uneventful Batman story with decent art. The thing that sticks with me the most is the weird child prostitute shit with Selina and her friend more than the meat of the story.

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Death in the Family
It's so important for Batman because it's how Jason dies but everyone forgets the part with Iran.

I don't know if "I could freak out and kill everyone on the planet if I wanted to, but I don't want to" is a very good lesson.

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This type of bullshit is exactly why stuff like The Boys or Irredeemable pops up.

This, and this isn't the first time DC has done this

It's a product of it's time, and doesn't have the same meaning today, when the industry isn't dominated by edgy murderous Warren Ellis antiheroes. Back when this was made, a story about the original superhero that stood up against the edgelord antiheroes and the might makes right morality they were presenting was a pretty big deal.

Rippaverse is already 100x better then these shitty comics you've posted and the book isn't even out yet

>women in refrigerators
>they made the identity crisis


Superman was trying to scare manchester and the boys straight. The whole comic Manchester was basically Zack Snyder or edgy fanboys who call Superman boring and say 'Superman should kill villains" "Superman Should take over the world and solve humanity's problems" "Superman should stop being such a boring goody two shoes". And this comic shows Manchester (and those edgy fans) why you don't want Superman being that way.

>and the might makes right morality they were presenting
So did Superman. And I would argue geeks are far more bloodthirsty these days and just want the heroes to kill.

>So did Superman.
How did you manage to miss the point he was making? gets it. No matter how powerful you are, there's always someone more powerful, and if you live by might makes right you'll die by might makes right unless the person that's stronger than you is a better person than that. In an age where some writers seemed to honestly be pushing the notion that superheroes should save the world by taking over and killing anyone the writer doesn't like, someone pushing back against that was important.

>And I would argue geeks are far more bloodthirsty these days and just want the heroes to kill.
I don't know about that, I don't see the same kind of desire in the cape comic fanbase for edgy murderous heroes as there was in the 90s and early 00s, but I do see a lot of the writers seem far more casual about having heroes kill and it be no big deal, and it's only the few characters with an explicit no kill code who are exempted from this. It's another aspect of the creative talent being completely out of touch with the audience.