Why did Comics groom Superboy?

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Why's it called Stonetoss, anyway? Is it because people toss stones at him? Is it like a Bible reference? Did he once eat rocks, and then toss his stomach after? Why'd he pick that name?

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He isn't real user, you can't groom a fictional character.

twitter thinks you can

I used to think that too before Jon Kent's character arc

he's the stone that the builder tossed

What builder?

>Strawmanning gender are days
Wow, amazing

>>Strawmanning gender are days
Did Lunarians take over your planet, by any chance?

So OP is twitter?

Is pebble throw trying to say people aren't already born with their sexuality?

He's grossly misinterpreting the "upbringing" explanation for homosexuality, saying it's all molestation turtles all the way down.
Despite the existence of straights who were molested as kids and gays who weren't.



He's pointing out that a distressing number of homosexual men were sexually abused by another man as a child

Jon was always gay

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That being said, the edit is based on John's backstory when he was kidnapped by Ultraman as a kid. And after he returned as an adult, he comes out as gay. Which doesn't have good implications.

why couldn't he have just stayed a breedable young boy

why Bendis

It's a combination of one writer being lazy and another being degenerate.
Bendis didn't want to write a child so he sent him off to be aged up like all child characters.
Then Tom Taylor thought he was hot so he drew him fucking his OC self-insert.

But then again, the problem never wasn't making him gay (or bi, I think). It's aging him up for no reason.

Also; having terrible taste in men.

This. He should have ended up with Starman
>never was