The fact that the fandom just completely ignores Barney is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while

The fact that the fandom just completely ignores Barney is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a while.

We should do this more often for main characters.

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Close Enough died for this thread

BCB fandom does it with Mike too. Though at least they have a genuine reason as to why.

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What the fuck is this character design

All of these characters have puchable muppet noses. I have nothing against them themselves, but I would want to see every single character punched until shards of their dumb muppet nose pierces their brains.


Isn’t that basically what happened to Any Forums with Aang during Avatar TLA’s active period?


Pretty sure Any Forums was talking about either Zuko, Katara, Toph, Suki, Azusa or literally the smallest minor character.

But not Aang. Or if they are gonna talk about him. It’s usually in relation to other characters.

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Eh, to me it ain't any worse than what you typcially see on other network-based shows with similar design styles.

go back to your thread fag

Aang is one of if not the best protagonists in kids media period and it sucks that he was robbed of what would have been the peak of his development in the decision to kill Ozai or not. Either choice would have been better than what we got.




Hey op

Attached: spinlol.png (500x722, 104.09K)

I'd rather watch this tranny show than fucking "adulting is hard xD", the show

I'm a trans man so thank Spinel!

Well, as a real man, I can tell you that you'll always be a hairy, failed, mutilated girl with butchered tits. Good luck with that shit.

Why the fuck do you keep shilling this garbage here?

Nah hes a man. You're the fake one you insecure faggotnigger

Based trans-supporting Spinel, giving confidence boost in her own rubbery way

>You're the fake one

My balls and cock, not made out of forearm flesh, say otherwise. Now you. You will definitely never be a woman.

art by somebody that never grew out of 2014 tumblr

I'm not a tranny but nice try

On the internet no one knows you're a dog

Easy (you)s
A jannie should take every one to the LGBT board.