Good ol boy from Kansas

>good ol boy from Kansas
>doesn't act like it
He should have the personality and morals of Letterkenny or Hank Hill.

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FUCKING THIS. I've said Superman should be Super Hank Hill for years

Complete with accidental bigotry from his disgust with anything different from his farm

Superman should be a jerk

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I sincerely hate retards who don't know the difference between the Midwest and Texas

I can see Clark being more like Hank since they moved away from the more nebbish version he had pre-crisis
But then what do you do with Superman?
>give them the same personality

Someone pointed out he’d be like Ted Lasso and I’m furious at the accuracy


He's also a man smart enough to be a journalist when that job required actual skills and intelligence, OP. He was never gonna be a hillbilly like you want.

He's literally got two fathers. And bother have very different teaching styles.
His earth father taught him humility, kindness, and an affinity for work. His space dad taught him of superiority through strength and intelligence as well as being a beacon to his fellow man.

I wonder, was Superman raised as a Catholic or Protestant? He's also been taught Krypton's religion. Great Rao! And all that.

It's God-Knows-Where Kansas, definetly protestant

He’s from Kansas sure, but Clark traveled the world before he became Superman and studied journalism. There’s a lot more there than just “small town morals”.

You have daddy issues

Protestant, Batman is catholic under every single good writer

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Now that's superman

And that's a good thing!

>Lex Luthor, I’m gonna kick your ass!
>Superboy? That boy ain’t right I’ll tell ya hwhat

High Anglican would make more sense.

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The problem is that for most writers at DC people from Kansas are their political enemies so they are uncomfortable with writing Superman as if he was actually from Kansas.
I mean why wouldn’t a straight white male from Kansas who grew up on a farm, went to church on Sunday and is married to a woman and has a kid support their political beliefs, when most of those kinds of people in the real world hate their fucking guts for being democrat gay or trans or all of the above?