Will Batman fatigue ever happen?

I feel like venting. I am so tired of this guy. DC has been pushing him so damn much is recent years. Not just in the comics, but in the movies two. He's everywhere. Half of there catalogue is Bat books for pete sake. As someone who isn't the biggest fan of his (but still likes him okay) this is beyond torture.

And yes I know he sells. I get it. But does that mean its okay to oversaturate his ass? Is that okay to overshadow other characters? I don't think so.

I can't be the only one who's annoyed by this.

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In the normie pecking order, it goes like this:

Superman is lame because he's perfect and all-powerful. Batman is cooler because he's gritty and humanized.

But Batman is also lame because he doesn't kill and whines a lot. Joker is cooler because he's funny and does whatever he wants.

But Joker is also lame because he's a privileged white male and incels like him. Harley Quinn is cooler because she's funny, does whatever she wants and is empowering for women.

Harley Quinn is pretty much the most relatable comic character for normies. I don't think they consider her lame compared to anyone.

>Harley Quinn is pretty much the most relatable comic character for normies. I don't think they consider her lame compared to anyone.
This might be the most jarringly out of touch statement I think I've ever seen.

You literally just said normies find two characters who've made a billion dollars with their movies, one of whom was a 50 million dollar wannabe arthouse film, and said normies instead find relateable the character who's been in back to back box office bombs whenever she gets away from Joker.

Dark Knight Rises proved Batman can make a billion without Joker, Joker 2019 proved Joker can make a billion without Batman, BOP and Suicide Squad proved that Harley can't be a hit with the wider public without Joker.

Batman is the most versatile superhero in existence. If he starts getting so stale that it actually affects sales, you do have options. His 60+ years of history give him so much precedence for such a wide variety of themes, concepts and character traits that you can go almost anywhere with him. If people really start getting sick of the broody """"grounded"""" loner schtick, he does have other options.

Batman and Joker are popular to an extent. But Harley is way more popular/relatable to young women as a role model than Batman/Joker are as role models to men. Role model, as in someone whose behavior you find genuinely impressive and admirable and want to be like them. Joker is a role model for many teenagers, but they grow out of it eventually. Batman is a role model for some comci book readers and diehard fans, but that's a niche.

No blue beetle and booster gold animated movie or short, but God damn it we need another Batman movie.

>Most versatile superhero in existence
Spiderman gives him a run for his money in this category.

>But Harley is way more popular/relatable to young women as a role model than Batman/Joker are as role models to men.
Oh okay you're just fucking crazy then, like legit out of touch with regular people on a worrying level.


How many comics do Spider-man have? Last time i recall the only two that sell pass cancelation numbers is TASM and Miles.


You're posting on Any Forums, the average user is extremely out of touch with society

Still haven't got to see the blue and grey suit, the giant computer, the giant penny and dinosaur, a sci fi villain like mr freeze or clayface, dick grayson robin


You're more likely to find women who want to dress and act like Harley Quinn than you're to find men who want to dress and act like Batman or Joker. The former behavior is pushed as acceptable and virtuous, the latter behavior is pushed as dangerous and freakish.

No, he doesn't. Spider-Man started in the Silver Age, but Batman started in the Golden Age, and that on its own gives Batman a massive advantage. Batman's been in just about every kind of story you can imagine: gritty crime noir, ridiculous sci-fi, silly comedies, supernatural. You can make him relatively grounded with grounded abilities and semi-realistic tools, you can make him an impossible ninja who can leap ten feet in the air, you can have him build Iron Man-type suits and fight aliens. Batman is so obscenely versatile that you can have him get beat up by a pair of mooks in one story yet defeat gods in another. It's all happened at one point or another in his decades upon decades of existence. No matter what kind of story you try to write with him, it almost certainly has some sort of precedence.

The most recent Batman movie didn't even break a billion at the box office. Aquaman beat The Batman's box office total by over $370 million.

Attached: Batman_vs_Aquaman.png (731x929, 251.39K)

Dumb, superficial, puddle-deep attempt at rationalization. Daredevil has both dark and silly stories too. Why isn't he more popular?

female hands typed this

I never sait I thought it was a good thing you moron.

The way that dc comics would literally die if Batman stopped selling
They straight up don’t know how to sell anything but Batman and events now and they aren’t about to try and find out how

Not really. Marvel insists on keeping pete a certain way post omd which severely limits the character.

Survival motivates change and inovation.

Worse case, discovery closes dc in house and licenses it out.

I say bring it on.