Where's the amogus

where's the amogus

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on the keyboard on panel 2

Is he saying that all star pictures look the same?

i dont get it

I think he's just a retard looking for things to bitch about, as usual.


He doesn't want science to advance because that will make transitioning easier for transsexuals so he's saying don't let the scientists have the big bucks the corporations need.

>Don't be excited. You must be angry and miserable at all times.

>y-yawnbros....we lost??

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>Any Forums feeling called at making fun of "love teh science!!1!" college kid

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In the White House

I wish we could fast track to the genderbend TF hentai tech already and put this tranny business to rest.

Toss browses reddit?

It's the same picture. He's saying people repost things for e-peen.

I think it's either something stupid like reddit bad joke or space is fake meme

This is just an observation. Where's the commentary? Where's the joke?

You're surprised?

Why wouldn't he? He has to know his audience.

Don't worry, he probably fucked up the joke.


how reddit takes credit from others for likes

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